Friday, October 07, 2016

I'ts done Bill Gates, Microsoft i'ts done. There is no turn back.

Microsoft again forcing updates, unconsensual updates.
All the users wanted was a better OS, and Balmer Dropped XNA, DirectX, Desktop and tried to force a strange misterious desktop with Marketplace on the users...

And instead of giving resources and support to tiny programmers, they just created a better C++  to old Giant game developers that will never come back.

The Microsoft dark ages is over, I thought when Windows phone 8.0 appeared.
I was wrong.

Microsoft did it again, promising a windows phone 10 that never come to my phone, give a bad, bad ears to  support to users with they slow demand programming hability,

I dont want a search button active, I touch it all the time!
They answered - You don't know hot to use it!

This is a product? No this is a trap.

So... no!
Microsoft is done.

And now?
Will you ask me to pay 200 bucks on a OS that make me wait all day  once every week to update against my will?
Oh no! they would answer!
Is just deactivate the update! Go here here here, and there.. bla bla bla....

Holy Sheet, Microsoft!  Microsoft was bad, but now to me, doest not exist anymore.
Bill, Microsoft is there... just in your pocket....
