Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sonho Aquecedor e percipitação agua no teto

Duas coisas se apresentaram diante de mim:

Em uma cachoeira, o grafite sobe até a nacente no topo da montanha como um coloide,
Em um lugar onde há amonia de fermento o coloide metalico se forma constantemente, e, se há água, ainda que precipitada nas paredes de um tubo, esta sobe até o ponto de onde a agua nasceu.
Assim o que me chamou a atenção eh a troca constante de ambientes de pressão abaixo, quente, até a vacuidade acima onde a agua se condensa. Um exercício alquimico a quaisquer materias.
Aqui esta o ponto em que vamos gravar e regravar memorias no metal.
Todo material tem memoria,exceto os gases nobres que são a memoria.

Aceleração- HHO e sua trapped recondensação por frio.

Aumento do potencial de condensação pelo aumento supremo da resistencia.
Neste experimento uma fina camada de oleo toca o eletrodo positivo e a agua logo abaixo dele fica o negativo. Como isso se comporta?

Aquecedor hho.
Um lugar basta trocar a agua . O aquecedor hho feito de placas negativas.
Esta miniatura de aqecedor a oleo.

Outra ideia eh que quando há fluxo de agua o grafite coloidal sobe e gira.
Se girarmos algo com grafite, o coloide deste contra balança subindo contra a agua em minifestações espirais produzindo energia.
Aqui há que usar a conhecida capilaridade em folhas alternadas de aluminio e papel sobre a grafite. que ira ativar esta bateria.

Agora eu me pergunto....
Como eh isso?
Como quebrar o magnetismo.
Sera que o eletrodo negativo era ferromagnteico.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Joe-Cell Biggest Secret

The constituition of 316l is similar to that of Nitinol or Metal Memory:

When excited by electrolisis, the 316l at HOT day on Texas, the metal records
the state of electrolisis.
At night-morning cools and looses its information.

Another day, a second stage cell is more accumulatedof information of
electrolisis on hot day, and again it sleeps at night.

On third day, the nitinol is again acumulated with memory of electrolisis but
this time the heat records the exact structure of three times the electrical
stimulation. When couls down again it sleeps.

When heated on car, the cell recall the recorded electrical formation that it
have when was being in electrolisis by the engine heat or day heat.
This creates the necessary for hho production of 3 accumulated electrolisis.
This effect was probably also way to record vital information on matter used by
old achemysts in the called alcahest.


Nickel_titanium And Joe-Cell and HHO biggest secret

Nickel Cromo Molibidenum is the key metal on joe cell.
Also the true joe cell was necessary to be very, very well polished .

Exerpts from wiki: About polishing Nitinol:
 When properly treated (via electropolishing and/or passivation), nitinol forms a very stable protective TiO2 layer that acts as a very effective and self-healing barrier against ion exchange.

Also some characteristics is related to the austenic properties of 316l plus the subtle changes in temperature.

At high temperatures, nitinol assumes an interpenetrating primitive cubic crystal structure referred to as austenite (also known as the parent phase). At low temperatures, nitinol spontaneously transforms to a more complicated monoclinic crystal structure known as martensite.

We know martensite is magnetic, while austenite is austenic.

thermal conductivity of nitinol is poor, so heat is difficult to remove.
(also 316l has not very good termal conductivity)

he discovery of the shape-memory effect in general dates back to 1932, when Swedish researcher Arne Olander [5] first observed the property in gold-cadmium alloys. The same effect was observed in Cu-Zn in the early 1950s.[6]

Titanium austenic/Nickel martensite  (nitinol)                  
Gold austenic/cadmio martensite
Cooper austenic/Zinc martensite
Chromo-Molibidenum/Iron-Nickel (Stainless steel 316l)

So a Better material sure would be richer in chrome molibidenum. and only nickel  (like 50/50% instead of 20%)

Also Martensite is know as:
 n. A very hard carbide of iron, approximately of the composition Fe24C, formed in the recalescenee of steel at 850° C. in cooling from a temperature of 1,000° C. or over. It remains unchanged if the metal is then suddenly cooled, as by plunging it into cold water, but on slow cooling is decomposed into iron and the carbide Fe3C. On the other hand, it appears that this latter compound, known as cementite, may split into martensite and carbon in the form of graphite.

We know that PURE Martensite metals block the production of HHO. Also that we could change the 316l by Graphite works for not as conductive as 316l but exactly as the necessary for good HHO production.

At low temperatures Nitinol turns into a martensite, while at high temperatures turn into a austenite!
Also in Joe cell there was a could hour in morning that the cell did not worked.
The metal recover the memory in could, and in hot was loose, what could mean that the metal have 2 memories, and how relate to memory recorded in light in noble gases known in the secret of light?
 It has been repeatedly shown that nitinol releases nickel at a slower pace than stainless steel, for example. With that said, very early medical devices were made without electropolishing, and corrosion was observed BUT nitinol vascular self-expandable metallic stents, for example, show no evidence of corrosion or nickel release.
