Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Projects Ideas Priorities - on the verge


1 - Fat people electroconductivity 316l Mettalic wires T-Shirt to help achieve disposition.
2 - Clotes-Armature that keeps moist using polyacrilamide or tubes-exo-circulation device.
3 - Help HHO device that works on Electrodes to Schools by Donation.
4 - Finish Tiny Joe-Cell Test,  uses Walter Russel Electro Positive and Magneto negative properties..
5 - A google reader - That reads PDF. Transparent, not a very hard device. That would save many readers from big problems from reading in shaking transportaions, like commercial bus.
6 - A polyacrilate or polyacrilamide device that ladder up the balls to move something.
7 - Recovery of Silver plates using Clorine


1 Generally people tend to get fat and don´t come into baths or ocean, ashamed of their body, this costs their life. A research probably would show that people that dive in saline water everyday, dont get too fat.
Another test show that the signals sent by the brain to the muscles travel ALSO outside the skin. The necessary effort for a fat people to create movement is blocked by saturated fat that insulates electricity of any kind. They got tired faster!

They cannot explain from where the energy of muscles and blood come, as proven fact, the liters of blood is scientifically unable to create so much work alone,  there is much energy coming from somewhere, like atmosphere.

A good armature with 316l wires that follow the fibers direction around their skin would redistribute these comands and make fat people more active. Must be exaustivelly tested to be proven wrong.
A good design makes them fell better, like bionic man.
Taking care of take out in Thunder situations, all other time is very good chance to them to recover body fitness.

The saline water is not effective in electronic conduction like Stainless Steel ansi 316l induced pure water cell. That could be made into a skin. hidrogenation and oxigenation could take place in the body using a low and safe voltage. Care must be taken here.

2 -  Clotes armature is a possibility to keep the body liquids using a well hidrated polyacrilate clotes or using a circulation device  with tiny channels that keep the body temperature.
Not hard to do using polyacrilate, we can make clotes to withstand the hot days, being a necessary clote in summer tropical or arid days to come, like everyday the clotes we use on could days.

A care must be taken to dont let polyacrilate dry out, with some researvatories, or some sistem to close the skin in the point they become dry, or take them out very easy. 

3 - In  2009 there where 2582 worker deaths because oxi-acetilene devices. my HHO -generator devices dont offer any hazards like that, uses no electrolite and generates a gas that we can even  breath.
My challenges was the outer case, that needet to be made of pure 316 if positive, but is possible by economics making a outer planet a negatve red metal wold facilitate so much the average price.
Using only some 316l positive electrodes at the center the outer tubes woud generate so much and would be sufficient and last some weeks.
Im trying to find a electrode that could be electrolitically rebuild or recharged using electrodeposition.

The positive electrodes could be them replaced into the device and work for a entire week again.
We would need many of that to compose a ultra-safe and ultra economic very good welder.
Also a very good mask is necesary, because he emmits light like that of the sun.
This matterial could be made for education proposes and safety of our children at schools.

A different unacepted magnetism aproach was fact into many cars that worked just on energy coming out of water using a cell that wont need any known combustible. After many years of research a simple conclusion come to me. A hard to do replication that have worked sometimes in my presence is related to Walter Russel theory. What can be made Big can be made Tiny. What can work 3D can be made 2D or flat.  We can generally simulate devices that work on 3D space into pseudo 3D using a easy to build flat 2D configurations.
We can build flat magnets, also we can build flat engines as in the videos in the older posts that works like a piston only on magnetism. We can create many many simlulations on joe cell and test them into flat circuits made of 1cm thickness and glass, and glue to prove some concepts.

My need ask for that brasilian commmercial buses that shake like a hell, to use some glass to be able to read, this glass has the display into the lens, making to read confortable using a confortable position sincronized display on flat cheap liquid crystal pdf reader that makes big word projection onto the screen making easy to read, while just behind we can see the everyday life, we can read safe and easy.

Higher priority in my Ideas is this device that works on fast Porous poliacrilate spheres.
A ladder is made, with polyacrilamide spheres, where they go up in a tube, just under there is no way to them come out, but dehidrated balls just go into the tiny entrance.
Dry Spheres  must have 1/8 size, or grow like eggs-or spikes,  leaving top inside tube and above coming ladder dry balls.

Extra extra: This could explain some anomaly workings on joe-cell devices, like electrocharges produced by bubles going up, or is my invention right now.

While the inner cillinders have a tiny distance from the botton of the cel, we can imagine that they work exactly like my ladder polyacrilateshperes ladder cell.
I saw many times that bubles from hho cells going down. They are too tiny, they are less afected by water density!
The tiny bubles of gas is so tiny that they are almost estatic, that any weak water circulation could take them out against the natural flow of gas under water!
As the tiny created bubles come down, they come under the bigger ones, on the  right (right poirtion positive cell surface) and sum to other tiny ones, being unable to come back, and begin to go up only at positive outer surface of  the device.

Hidrogen bubles in the cell are generated at center down there  by a solid cilinder.
Hidrogen bubles are the tiny ones. .Oxigen bubles stick to the surface of cell until they got big enough to come up  at the   positive walls.
As hidrogen is forced into oxigen bubles, Oxigen bubles go up and force the water up, on the outer layer, while the tiny ones at center being hidrogen has a tendency to come down with the flow of water as they are very very tiny.
Big Oxigen bubles hardly come down, and because they are bigger than the distance of inner neutral plates to the botton of the cell, we create a circulation device that can keep his capacitive charge for long time.


Well, that would work as the big expanded bubles can filter dry bubles that come into the inner tube by the distance from the tube to the botton, it creates a perpetum mobile.

thats it. Take spetial attention the the date my post was made, many people will try to get the gold to them.

Using clorine, we can dissolve silver from silver plates, this will be necessary to me, for getting hang on some money.


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