Sunday, October 28, 2012


1 - Create a tiny Joe cell
2 - Create a tiny vertical Joe cell
3 - Create a ferrebus vapor grafite cell

1- A experiment with electro positive fields and magneto negative cell horizontal.

2- a: The tiny negative bubles generated in the center expands to the extents of the cell.
    b: the positive creates Oxigen bobles tha stick to the outer wall.  Also in neutral plates.
    c: under neutral plates the centra h bubles are forced down traveling under space from botton.
    d: Outer oxigen bubles as excessive negative at the center creates inflow of water at neutral plates, where there is less generation just at the begin.
     e: Lifting bubles come dow, showing different energetic espiraling behavior.
     f: negative micro bubles force oxigen ones up what else...

3 - Create a ferrebus vapor grafite cell
 The heater is made with many conductive by grafite dry jornal.
     a: Or a rolete with central 316 is bent and placed in water up to half of the heater, diameter protecting 316 electrode from water pitching and  creating vapor and hho inside forced into heater layers, probably generating implosions the way it could mean a base genero flame.

     b: Other try would be to create a big cell made of many foils and place them over water. that will heat, vapor it and burn.

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