Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Im updating my blog in english because people around the world know this universal language, mainly scientists. ==  Science is universal.
These ideas are based on  experimental tests i´ve made. 

New video sequence on Joe-Cell. Understand that Im trying to undnerstand
Is quite hard to understand british accent, but we need pay attention to this magnetics master.

Im trying to find a way to use HHO generators to pulse water.
Also this opens the way to use the earth frequency pulse. (even visible by sentitives)
to run some kind of Joe-Cell Devices.
Also other devices that can generate anomalyes.

Experimental dispositive - Water Vibration:

1 - Flat Vibrator - is composed of concentric lines in closed shape like circles. + shapes + vibration
Flat vibrator works in AC, that means we need to short AC in the outer shape.

2 - Joe Cell Concentric Austenic ANSI 316l Cilindrical Metal Plates.
Understanding and maybe some experimentation with true working (Stage-1 or more) Joe-Cell Device.
(see it pulsing on the last minutes of this video)

3 - Omasa Gas Generator
Understanding on Omasa Gas generator. Just youtube it to understand.


1 -  see this video:
Taking flat-vibration into acount, we can imagine why Joe-Cell so slow pulses so "organic", having only 5-6 cilinders.) it vibrate less when have less concentric rings.

2 - AC Water.
 The water between Joe-Cell plates or any + and - 316l electrodes in waters without any salt, or even tri-desalinizated water acts like conductive medium, without shorting the electrodes power.
Like wireless power transmission but in water instead of in-air.

Here in future, a possible link to the Wireless Transmission using (HV and Vibration) or (HV and 316l)

3 - Omasa and Vibration.
Omasa doesn´t seem to be working with Stainless Steel Austenic ANSI 316l plates. If the plates are ferromagnetic like iron or non austenic metal, or even magnets itself,  only especific vibration would break the limitations of a ordinary electrolisis - as we see in his device and patent.

    A-B-C-D sub-conclusions
       A: Fact - The water becomes more conductive. As irons in ordinary electrolisis turns out more magnetic, also the water turns into a kind of a weak magnet inside joe-cell.
       B: Fact - As we see and have been related by many people - Water Pulsates -
     (as 316l plates is very slipery it would vibrate as blood not touching the walls of massive bubles.)
       C:  Massive bubles are created right over the surface of stainless steel 316l plates- maybe it is the only place where almost no magnetism takes place, and  micro or nano buble formations is ultra intense. They brobably scape before, probably becausa a Vibration of water takes place.

4 -  Joe Phenomena and Directional movements
        If the chanels of water is thin like that on 6 cilinders Joe-Cell, It would:
       A-B-C known possibilities.
                A: If the movements are not well limited by neutral material spacers along the circle, the water                  will act as engine turning around the axis.  The video is not online available right now, only in my records.
                B: If the movements are limited  by neutral material in some especific way, the water will pulse up and down as we see in video above.
                C: Especific limitation of water movement would be necessary for a anomaly water generator we could achieve with well made Joe-Cell device that originally would work later without batteries.
In his old video he teaches about the water buble movement.

My Sub Conclusion:
I believe we can achieve a circulation in figure of 8 that would generate a know kind of electrostatic field generator made in water, just like that one generated like by Water Battery.
Water Battery by Walter Levin MIT Classes.

5 - Nitrogen turn implosive force into nothing.
Nitrogen is villain in joe cell device. The fire in contact with air nitrogen (70% our brething air) wont ever blow or take flame.

6 - While connected to some electrical source without magnetism, the gas is plasmatic blue and IMPLOSIVE turning gas instantaneously into water at the ratio of 1850-1, Generating vacuum.

If the gas is stored for a while wihtout electrical conections, capacitance or battery, it will be a slowly  danger explosive flamable gas - faster yet than pure nitrogem and much harder to control.

6 - Construction of testing device. Me and You.
Im building 2 experiments that would help me a bit.

As I dont know if the magnetic vibration of field between cilinders will be different.
but a easy test would be to create first a simple one made of cilinder top or just 316l wire.

If many wires 2 wire coils made of 316l  rigns of many diammeters on the botton of the water would create a  magnetic field in water that some magnetic plate would go up and down like the first video above, but just underwater means:

MEANS  that an simmilar implosive energy could be made out of air without nitrogen (contact with air or nitrogen would made implosion superflous )
But as we cannot create a spark, or the implosive gas, of course would implode BEFORE it accumulates.
Means that we would see a tiny blue-yellow or blue-pink spark, but no implosion at all.
For this work the air must act like AC power conductor, what we could achieve with Joule Thief and SEC devices.
As Joule Thief and
 SEC exciter (using thin Air or Glass wireless transmission on electrolisis here)

They pulse the magnetism in a single Ferrite, almost like turning into a pulsating AC.
If this is related to water electricity transmission and just like Joe Cell, the device generates up to 70% more
gas on the same charge, just because it doesn´t short the wires using pure H2O without any eletrolite.

to continue...

gfcgamer 02/10/2012 Amateur Researcher, Brasil.

a bit offtopic: Personal Related to explanation on how coils work at.

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