Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sonho Aquecedor e percipitação agua no teto

Duas coisas se apresentaram diante de mim:

Em uma cachoeira, o grafite sobe até a nacente no topo da montanha como um coloide,
Em um lugar onde há amonia de fermento o coloide metalico se forma constantemente, e, se há água, ainda que precipitada nas paredes de um tubo, esta sobe até o ponto de onde a agua nasceu.
Assim o que me chamou a atenção eh a troca constante de ambientes de pressão abaixo, quente, até a vacuidade acima onde a agua se condensa. Um exercício alquimico a quaisquer materias.
Aqui esta o ponto em que vamos gravar e regravar memorias no metal.
Todo material tem memoria,exceto os gases nobres que são a memoria.

Aceleração- HHO e sua trapped recondensação por frio.

Aumento do potencial de condensação pelo aumento supremo da resistencia.
Neste experimento uma fina camada de oleo toca o eletrodo positivo e a agua logo abaixo dele fica o negativo. Como isso se comporta?

Aquecedor hho.
Um lugar basta trocar a agua . O aquecedor hho feito de placas negativas.
Esta miniatura de aqecedor a oleo.

Outra ideia eh que quando há fluxo de agua o grafite coloidal sobe e gira.
Se girarmos algo com grafite, o coloide deste contra balança subindo contra a agua em minifestações espirais produzindo energia.
Aqui há que usar a conhecida capilaridade em folhas alternadas de aluminio e papel sobre a grafite. que ira ativar esta bateria.

Agora eu me pergunto....
Como eh isso?
Como quebrar o magnetismo.
Sera que o eletrodo negativo era ferromagnteico.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Joe-Cell Biggest Secret

The constituition of 316l is similar to that of Nitinol or Metal Memory:

When excited by electrolisis, the 316l at HOT day on Texas, the metal records
the state of electrolisis.
At night-morning cools and looses its information.

Another day, a second stage cell is more accumulatedof information of
electrolisis on hot day, and again it sleeps at night.

On third day, the nitinol is again acumulated with memory of electrolisis but
this time the heat records the exact structure of three times the electrical
stimulation. When couls down again it sleeps.

When heated on car, the cell recall the recorded electrical formation that it
have when was being in electrolisis by the engine heat or day heat.
This creates the necessary for hho production of 3 accumulated electrolisis.
This effect was probably also way to record vital information on matter used by
old achemysts in the called alcahest.


Nickel_titanium And Joe-Cell and HHO biggest secret

Nickel Cromo Molibidenum is the key metal on joe cell.
Also the true joe cell was necessary to be very, very well polished .

Exerpts from wiki: About polishing Nitinol:
 When properly treated (via electropolishing and/or passivation), nitinol forms a very stable protective TiO2 layer that acts as a very effective and self-healing barrier against ion exchange.

Also some characteristics is related to the austenic properties of 316l plus the subtle changes in temperature.

At high temperatures, nitinol assumes an interpenetrating primitive cubic crystal structure referred to as austenite (also known as the parent phase). At low temperatures, nitinol spontaneously transforms to a more complicated monoclinic crystal structure known as martensite.

We know martensite is magnetic, while austenite is austenic.

thermal conductivity of nitinol is poor, so heat is difficult to remove.
(also 316l has not very good termal conductivity)

he discovery of the shape-memory effect in general dates back to 1932, when Swedish researcher Arne Olander [5] first observed the property in gold-cadmium alloys. The same effect was observed in Cu-Zn in the early 1950s.[6]

Titanium austenic/Nickel martensite  (nitinol)                  
Gold austenic/cadmio martensite
Cooper austenic/Zinc martensite
Chromo-Molibidenum/Iron-Nickel (Stainless steel 316l)

So a Better material sure would be richer in chrome molibidenum. and only nickel  (like 50/50% instead of 20%)

Also Martensite is know as:
 n. A very hard carbide of iron, approximately of the composition Fe24C, formed in the recalescenee of steel at 850° C. in cooling from a temperature of 1,000° C. or over. It remains unchanged if the metal is then suddenly cooled, as by plunging it into cold water, but on slow cooling is decomposed into iron and the carbide Fe3C. On the other hand, it appears that this latter compound, known as cementite, may split into martensite and carbon in the form of graphite.

We know that PURE Martensite metals block the production of HHO. Also that we could change the 316l by Graphite works for not as conductive as 316l but exactly as the necessary for good HHO production.

At low temperatures Nitinol turns into a martensite, while at high temperatures turn into a austenite!
Also in Joe cell there was a could hour in morning that the cell did not worked.
The metal recover the memory in could, and in hot was loose, what could mean that the metal have 2 memories, and how relate to memory recorded in light in noble gases known in the secret of light?
 It has been repeatedly shown that nitinol releases nickel at a slower pace than stainless steel, for example. With that said, very early medical devices were made without electropolishing, and corrosion was observed BUT nitinol vascular self-expandable metallic stents, for example, show no evidence of corrosion or nickel release.


Monday, November 19, 2012

The fruit tree IDEA.

As pilhas em forma de ovo inverso como um planeta positivo ao centro e estriações
de ligação expandindo com aneis de carvão e ao contrario comprimindo de carvão ou oxidos não salinos. (estudar oxidos que não salinizam a água e ao centro negativo ou eletro-positivo junto do inicio do grande magneto negativo reduzem em metal incandescente

CLEM ENGINE e o mistério do óleo denso e do jato fino, da pulga e seus jatos, e do canal que abre para soltar massa que quer expandir.
       Naturalmente a camisinha furada vai correndo para o topo do cone, sem fazer do atrito um obstaculo, se torna na verdade uma ajuda.
       No clem engine 2 coisas:

Quando algo gira com líquido dentro, produz um lift na água até a metade e até subir ao topo, isso se a abundância de água passar a curvatura lateral até que ela transborde pelo topo do centro, num pequeno orificio ao centro,e se por fim não houver o buraco ela pode ser guiada até o centro criando um toroide de água.

O que vejo em clem é que o formato é inverso ; É a base embaixo.
Esta base embaixo faz com que o líquido seja disparado contra a gravidade, mas também faz com que a força de expansão gerada por ela cria uma forma de elástico que contra as paredes cônicas a forçam pra baixo.

A primeira coisa então é que:
1 - Boouyance é a lei mais forte e difícil de quebrar -  A matéria tem que estar no seu meio ou ser muito flexível, pois força maior e inquebravel que equilíbrio não há..
2 - Elasticidade é a coisa importante - camisinha-anel furada em cone serve de inspiração.
3 -Este cone que dispara para baixo deve ser guiado com cuidado:

Os cones não condutivos de grebennikov tem papel alumínio em forma de cone colocado de forma inversa, forçando que a maior condutividade esteja aumentando a medida que chega abaixo, como nos desenhos primordiais de CLEM ENGINE este cone vai se abrindo a medida que desce, (porque existe água em expansão) fazendo com que o movimento da água se faça junto da gravidade contra a força de lift criada pela rotação do cone pesado, porque algo que tenha sido puxado e seja denso, comprimido acima e expandindo busca violentamente ir contra tudo para escapar  como demonstrei no exemplo da camisinha furada em anel solta na base de um cone.

Em um desenho mais 3D teríamos um tubo com raio menor emcima redondinho e  fundinho, mas com menos fluxo de água desde acima, até aumentar radicalmente até embaixo com raio largo e mais chato pela força de expansão que achata a água contra a parede externa.

Se fossemos criar com formas geométricas seria assim:
Assim lembrei dos papeis e da instruções de fazer papeis de grebbenikov

Eletricamente creio a voltagem comprime, gerando condutividade contra a resistencia(voltagem) enquanto a resistencia expande resistindo compressão (amperagem).

O polyacrilato em uma ponta cria uma fruta que cai contra a gravidade.
Neste caso um estudo para fazer com que a expansão no tubo central não vaze de volta como era de se esperar. Como fazer em pequena escala?  => Pensar

The grafite hho holes in insulated glassy vessel, with electrodes and water,
with guided to one way that go to plasma hho continous.


The Equilibrium IDEA:
Criamos uma evaporação, mas para ser Overnity, a evaporação tem que fazer o ciclo e retornar igualmente como uma árvore.


                                                 Poliacrilato/Agua  Separada em:

         LADO A                                                                                               LADO B
agua                                                                                                              poliacrilato

calor                                                                                                             calor

separa em vapor                                                                                  separa em poliacrilato
sobe (empurra)                                                                                           desce ( gravita puro)
menos denso (-2)                                                                                               mais denso (+2)

toca cobre e condensa                                                                                 toca agua e expande
desce (gravita agua pura)                                                                            sobe (empurra sobe)
mais denso(+1)                                                                                              (-1) menos denso

Se a diferença entre massas fosse extrema (+ 10 - 10) a diferença de fluxo seria tão grande, que teriamos uma parede natural se formando devido as duas densidades buscando equilibrio.

Visualizando este gráfico acima posso agora compreender que a parede de algo que gravita, como uma veia, é algo que sobe e expande, como algo que levita.
Os movimentos contrários se organizam naturalmente em vias tanto aéreas, maritimas etc...
(estou certo? Estou sim). Com ou sem turbulências elas sempre encontram um momento de repouso em que buscam o caminho mais fácil, e a densidade que lhe é mais compatível.

Essas vias naturais criam-se estriações ou paredes de densidade maior que separa como veias, criando a circulação tanto planetaria como magnética dentro de sólidos.
Elas são as estriações responsaveis pela sensação de solidez no metal, como pelo invisível constante e relativamente rápido desenvolvimento das árvores e plantas.
Para completer, nossos planetas também desenvolvem expandindo, este é o expanding earth theory que não pode ser detida senão por tolos calculos matematicos que bloquearam evolução física da ciência.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Magnesium cloride balls of urine using intead SUGAR.

Using sugar instead of urine.

This process to create balls o magnesium cloride in pet over outside using a solution of sugar an magnesium to  create such balls that can be ingested without riscs just to prove concept of going be good for health.

Also today as had idea to make camera on pipa

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Aluminum flocs floats

Aluminum generally floats in water. tiny spheres of aluminum placed on surface of water would float.
If we place them in a gas genrating cell, they will find a way down inside the water.
If guided inside to a tube insulated from bubles being generated they would float hard.

That is very imporant.
If necessary we can surface them with cooper.
For we could create the energy to keep going on, using a kind of  rotating aluminum in magnetic field.

The Mind spiral onto New Aluminum Weight Device

This is the basis of process 

The void Aluminum device:

            1 - Instead of creating a colunm of solids like illustration above that makes matter goes against gravity, we work creating a void made of gas hold by a aluminum weight that guide gas under the water.

In some experiments when a tube was placed inside water, the gas unable to scape above was being generated by HHO special electrolisis inside the tube until the gas fills the tube.
BUT the bubles where coming out from the botton in VERY VERY HIGH-SPIN!
So high that they almost resist the natural flow, taking more time to come out of water, spiraling frenetically, and sometimes escaping so sudden that was almost invisible.
What was happening?

We dont worry about gravity. The gas bubles ar less afected by gravity than balls of iron or water.
They are being generated in a very tiny bubles that won´t have many boyance effect.
Also, the water besides the bubles traped inside the colum was creating a way down to the gas
The bubles hold a twin layer of water that works as guide.
The bubles generated are on the surface of water.
The surface of water is being hold by a aluminum weight.
The aluminum weight forces bubles again into water. This is very important.
The other way is to place aluminum caps that the bubles would be forced downwards.
The buble wont come dowwards until the place is filled with gas.
But if a tiny cilinder holding is placed inside, the excessive gas under surface will go downwards up to the botton and escape underwater,  escaping in very high spin. and probably genreating a special kind of electricity.
If made in spiral like a coil, this could be a very very high spin, that could be pure plasma energy of fire.
The gas travels into the suface of the bubles downwards because the oxigen bubles on the side is like a colum of water.
The gas bubles travels inwards,
In a extreeme spiral that would generate bubles so filled of energy that enough energy can be generated to keep working without battery for long long time, even weeks.

Thats the conclusion for now.
We have many conclusions to be tested.
This device must be made in a simple model from now.
see ya



Im not here posting to be ridicularized by my beliefs. 
They are like a bookmark that will reveal a forgotten concept that I will be able to proof to you.
This is thinking line, not a proven matter.


        1 - The ShakeSpear Secret - The spear cristal that bind subtle matter into dense matter.
        1  - A) The oxigen penetrates in matter (incandescent tungstein) and destrois by a penetration called today Oxidation.
         But the vacum is a more subtle undetectable (expanded)  matter that penetrates the tungsten without destroy the bound of tungsten.
      That means: The solids like stones keep like stones and is hard to bend or inflexible or breakable.
                          The liquids are less visible but  yet visible and able to pass into some known solids much more flexible, hard to break, sucetible and energetic. (energy is sucetibility to outer movements) and is able to make so thin that a gram of gold can create hundred metters of golden surfaces.
                          The gas is already invisible, but much more flexible and can penetrate much more, and can be made in a very very thiner layer, much more enrgetic!
                         The vacuum is composed of so expanded matter and is so flexible that penetrates all matter.  invisible and ultra flexible matter.  Very subtle and sucetible even to thinking. Known as magnetism is tactible indirectly by known magnets.
        If oxigen spherical particle can have size less than of a tiny human cell, the vacum can be the same particle expanded to the size of a footbal field.      
        2 - The Magnetism reality  - The subtle oxigen way petrified in Iron against corrosion.
       3  - The project and the Void Alumum weitght project.

The project and the VOID Aluminum project

For publication today very good experiment that show how blind is being science that even Trees are perpetum mobile righ on our face!.


Friday, November 02, 2012

Oleo egg and ludion

Sabemos que em água o ovo de óleo desce mais devagar.
Sabemos que o ovo de óleo pode comportar sal e levar sal para cima se houver mais óleo.
Sabemos que o LUDION criado com vácuo pode fazer com que o ovo de óleo se comporte contra a gravidade mesmo que haja sal e que depois que estourar o sal, sua passagem pelo filtro com óleo cria ovos de óleo ao tubo central

Agua: H sujo, H limpo, e Oxigenio

HHO é um ovo, e a água boa é diferente.
Agua não é somente H20.
Pois sabemos que água destilada rouba mineirais do corpo, causa diarreia e mata.
Shauberger ensina a fazer agua potavel.
Seguindo um modelo mais ousado, falo de um modelo de planeta que contem 70% de agua, e que boa parte desta se trata de agua salgada, e uma baixa porcentagem de agua doce, que é o tipico produtor de hho não explosivo.

Água é Hexplosivo, Himplosivo e Oxigênio.

Isso é crucial.
Seguindo modelos naturais, uma pilha-terra teria camadas e camadas.
A primeira camadaseria uma de carvão condutivo, 316l, ou grafite.
O contato com a outra agua destilada  não é existente, (como agua do mar e agua do rio)
(A agua do mar nas planicies, a agua doce do rio nas montanhas)
Muita água do mar é  necessária, portanto temos um cilindro ao centro para simular a primeira esfera.

Nesta primeira esfera há agua suja com terra e sais diversos produzindo hidrogênio explosivo.
Este cilindro central é grande, para compensar a produção de gas explosivo que é pequena.
Depois deste cilindro uma camada pequena equivale a produção de hidrogênio implosivo.
O hidrogênio implosivo vai estar subindo mais que o outro.
Essa parte simula a camada sobre a terra que contem agua doce.

Ela representa em gas uma camada magnetica que vale pela parte externa.
Se mantida em uma semi-esfera, o hidrogênio explosivo fica ao centro, o implosivo fica fora como um ovo, e o oxigênio sendo mais pesado fica embaixo.
Tempestades começam a ocorrer acima desta, porque o oxigênio é gerado e cai na superficie dos cilindros produtores de hidrogênio leve implosivo e explosivo.
Quando então os hidrogênios passarem pelo oxigênio, ocorrerá a formação de ovos, contendo ou oxigênio com conteudo explosivo que ficarão flutuando abaixo dos ovos de oxigenio com hidrogenio explosivo que flutuarão em cima.
Se a eletricidade é desligada, logo o oxigênio assenta, e como as bolhas no centro do copo, começa então as bolhas de oxigênio voltar para a camada de oxigênio abaixo.
Os ovos explodem e se organizam, o hho já não mais existe então.

Se deixados os ovos começarão a explodir, e o oxigênio voltará a seu repouso, isso faria um movimento espiral nas camadas de hidrogênio, e vai gerar ovos de hidrogenio implosivo dentro flutuantes dentro da camada de hidrogênio explosivo.
O potencial de subir deste hidrogênio implosivo é acima do explosivo mas com o peso extra do oxigênio ele tentará subir separando-se da particula de oxigênio que então voltará pra baixo.
Quando ele subir e passar pela camada de hidrogênio implosivo novamente ele cria um ovo com camda externa de hidrogênio explosivo.
Agora este ovo flutua acima da camda de hidrogenio explosivo, dentro da camada de hidrogênio implosivo.
Temos então uma vontade de separa cada um por si, e se isso ocorrer, cada um volta então pra sua camda.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


1 - Create a tiny Joe cell
2 - Create a tiny vertical Joe cell
3 - Create a ferrebus vapor grafite cell

1- A experiment with electro positive fields and magneto negative cell horizontal.

2- a: The tiny negative bubles generated in the center expands to the extents of the cell.
    b: the positive creates Oxigen bobles tha stick to the outer wall.  Also in neutral plates.
    c: under neutral plates the centra h bubles are forced down traveling under space from botton.
    d: Outer oxigen bubles as excessive negative at the center creates inflow of water at neutral plates, where there is less generation just at the begin.
     e: Lifting bubles come dow, showing different energetic espiraling behavior.
     f: negative micro bubles force oxigen ones up what else...

3 - Create a ferrebus vapor grafite cell
 The heater is made with many conductive by grafite dry jornal.
     a: Or a rolete with central 316 is bent and placed in water up to half of the heater, diameter protecting 316 electrode from water pitching and  creating vapor and hho inside forced into heater layers, probably generating implosions the way it could mean a base genero flame.

     b: Other try would be to create a big cell made of many foils and place them over water. that will heat, vapor it and burn.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Anomaly Laabs

Only Scientific Anomalites can change our future.

No critics makes sense! Armchair Skeptics just loose time proud of a 100 years old science degree in their wall.

A new Blog -  new Website

Main Page

Experiments Videos Trubnails
 - "real time experiments", with atached files comments texts.
 (highest proof videos comes first with milliseconds timeline or clock, good resolution proof cameras)
 - next: no-proof anomalies and experiments -
- fun videos will be change to true anomaly reated videos,

"I did 2mm magnesium spheres in outside sealded months old urine, and is definitivally not Poliacrilate"

 - Half page later:
Author Experiment Requests :
Website Author Anomaly Requests.
First my Requests for create anomalyes.

All experiments on low budget have priority  - why? Because:

 High budget experiments is not easy replicable, it lack proof anyway.
Self-Destruction of earth future if great companies  holds all knoledge into classified recipes.

 - The same law, calculus and rules is for planets as for atoms. 
This is not acepted yet , but is universal.
Lets do it tiny.

First Author Request:

Using 2 electrode of STAINLESS STEEL ANSI INOX 316L in DISTILLED WATER without any kind of eletrolite, we can generate implosive gas while not in contact with atmosphere (trapped in bubles)
This is a key experiment that will be used to stress matter over sudden implosions over time.

Alchemists have reason many and many times over and over again.
This time lets test something about the famous  "Solvet et Coagula"

2 Sealed Vessels with urine (most common homogeneous liquid)

1 - One vessel for 1 month to 1 year submited to constant implosion in chamber that once the implosion happens creating vacuum suddenly over and over again.

2  - Another vessel is compressed by explosion over and over again leting excessive pressure escape in a tiny hole.

I think the one in vacum chamber will dissolve urine.
I think the pressure one would coagulate.
Would that happens on vice versa?

Fast Update Research (Twitter like)


Carvão Vegetal
PTFE ou Fita Teflon

Serrar tubo para enxer de massa carvão condutivo  e colocar sob copo com pouca água.
A quantidade de carvão deve ser muito maior do que o carvão pode absorver
para que possamos ter gas na ponta.
Se conseguir, limite a saida e com eletrodos adicionais com limitadores de teflon, crie eletrodos
que servirão para criar plasma contínuo.

"Voce conseguiria fazer um aquecedor desta forma com cerca de pulso abaixo do piso com carvão?"

"O carvão absorve água e isso prejudicou meu pequeno plasma 316L"
Este plasma pode ser feito "COM QUALQUER METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!""""

Basta que ele encoste embaixo no eletrodo no maximo de contato com carvão possível.
e depois 

"Estudar uso de segudro de 200 Volts 5 ampéres Contínuo."

16/11/2012 2:29 AM Quinta - Sexta Madrugada

Hoje consegui descobrir uma tinta condutiva muito simples e facil de fazer em quantidades absurdas.

Mais do que uma tinta é uma ARGAMASSA condutiva.
Quando colocamos (carvão ativado) que podemos comprar em sacos de 6 kilos ou mais, em um pilão, e moemos ele
com grafite, a pressão sobre o carvão raspando com a grafite cria uma massa condutiva excelente para plasma do mesmo tipo 
que criamos com HHO.

Assim com menos de 10 gramas de grafite e a mesma quantidade de carvão ativado e apenas 30 V 400 ma eu pude criar um plasma contínuo.
O plasma tem a cor do  fogo hho -  é laranja.
O eletrodo central é o 316l, seu estado de conservação parece ok, ele se mescla ao carvão.
Quando aqueceu uma parte onde tinha água, aágua evaporada ou o plasma, eu não sei bem o que, mas este plasma criou uma 
Superfície dourada nao alumínio, significando que está emitindo a radiação conhecida do plasma, que transmuta em pequenas quantidades
as superfícies.


27/10/2012 B/19:55:
 Hoje  consegui ter relativo sucesso a ciração da tinta parcialmente condutiva de pó comum de grafite.
O jornal que foi inteiro deixado secar com tinta condutiva secando com gravidade funcionou ok.
Eu então fiz um rolete e ele aqueceu como se fosse um gerador Anomalia de HHO confinado a SECO.
Como ele queimava no mesmo ponto usando um eletrodo 316 a seco, ele se torna um multi-micro plasma heater.
Ele gera calor de mais de 200 graus sem gastar mais de 30 volts 400 ma. 
A fonte está ligada o dia inteiro e ainda não aquceu.
Como um ceu estrelado o rolete de jornal pintado com tinta semi-condutiva se demonstra queimando cada movimento ou vento que passa diversas destrelinhas de plasma pode ser vista.
Foi reposta umca camada de tinha por cima mais ainda, fedeu um pouco mais agora que evaporou o alcohol esta melhor que nunca.
As esferas de poliacrilato não obteve sucesso.

26/10/2012  19:32 Condutividade superficial de poliacrilato com alta quantidade de grafite. 
(first fail)
Estas esferas feitas com grande quantidade de grafite, seriam condutivas comente a partir do moment em que
secassem, juntando as particulas.
Mas o teste com aquela feita em solução de prata não foi boa.

Ideia:A ideia acima seria que as esferas condutivas abaixo subissem e perdessem condutividade por absorção de agua a mediada que sobem a ladeira. Isso as tornaria diferentes.
Se fossem feitos em alguma forma de corrente em que conectassem as bordas das corrntes quando crescem, e isolassem eletricamente se ficassem pequenas demais poderiam também ter alguma utiliade interessante.
Eu vejo uma malha ou resina que estica e isso força a conecção e condutividadde da superficie de bolas inchadas, que logo perderiam toda sua condutividade se forem menores
Atenção ao fato que as bolas em alcohol elas ficam menores, e pra minha boa felicidade elas perdem agua no alcohol.
Isso faz com que bolas de poliacrilatos aos milhares pequenas com pó muito fino de microbolhas rapidamente secariam e formariam
uma camada móvel tipo AMEBA que geraria condutividade no tubo que se roçariam.
Outra idéia e de que sua rehidratação gera calor (como saquinhos de silica) e isso os mantivessem num ambiente auto gerador de calor evaporação, retorno de forma a manter um moto continuo como o lento de sucesso criado pelas bolas poliacrilato
Ideia: Viktor Shauberger Cano Levemente Conico Leva Agua e Ar como um elástico na base de um cone.
Todos sabem que uma camisinha furada na base do cone dispara em altissima velocidade para cima.
Agora como aglomerar o que saiu sólido acima  na base do cone?

Que tal isso? 
Acima há uma forma de hidratar ou inchar as bolas.
Mas em cima elas desceram até a parte que vai alargando, disparando elas pra baixo 
Mas quando elas descem, agora estão secando ou implodem rapidamente na base do cone, o que iria jogalas pra cima com força.

Estudar isso:
Pulsar a eletrólize de modo a criar arcos. Os arcos só serão disparados se houver um meio aéreo.
Este meio aéreo cria um vacuo e um shockwave de vácuo.
Mas ao inves disso penso em outra coisa.
Que uma subita forma de subir usando espetos Agora vem o X da questão.
O besouro do Greb são exatamente isso.
Tem uma parede acima com buracos e espetos embaixo.
Isso faz uma cosia curiosa.
Se a um "pulsar" elétrico ou manual, um jato de "smoke ring" iria sair e bater na superficie, que absolveria na superficie, e 
voltaria para baixo na base.
O segredo então seria na base do cone, que forçaria um colapso deste campo, ar ou força em vácuo.
O vácuo quando ocorre na base de um cone, gera um shockwave, um "vácuum smoke ring"
Sabemos que vácuo é materia expandida, então é de ar, ou de água.


Sabemos que vacum é uma forma de materia expandida, agua, ar ou outra coisa qualquer - sendo assim, implosões dentro da água criam vácuo, e pressão.
a pressão ao centro e vácuo nas laterais.
Veja que sempre temos os 2 - quando agua gira no centro, tem pressão nas pontas maior, e vacuo menor ao centro.
Quando temos agua caindo por um halo, temos pressão nas bordas criados em menor quantidade e um vacuo maior no centro, onde expande a água. - ou algo assim.

Deois voltarei a colocar este ultimo texto em cheque.
Andando imaginei que  ... end of idea


26/10/2012  18:45  Ideia de Pó 316l para fazer placas de grafite comportarem-se com anomalia
Um pouco de pó de 316l iria criar certa anomalia. Uma cola paralela deveria ser construida para se aplicar
sobre certa parte das pastilhas de vidro que iriam então substitiuir os eletrodos 316l.

* 26/10/2012  18:45  Rolete de Jornal com 316l pequeno dentro (secando)
Meio jornal enrolado em volta de 5 cm 1,5mm 316l com muita tinta condutiva.
Este experimento também está relacionado a tentativa de criar aquecedor.
update: 27/10  OK mas o jornal tem que secar aberto com gravidade primeiro

*   26/10/2012  18:00 Polyacrilate Spheres inside experimental Conductive Ink
O alcohol força a agua fora da polyacrilamida, e então ela vai ficando menor.
Se der certo, teremos pequenas bolas condutivas
update: dia 27/10 : (Falha)

26/10/2012  15:00 Tinta condutiva e árvores.:
Ao tentar fazer uma delas, ela secou parcialmente a cola-isopor.
Ela estava parcialmente seca, portanto apresentava bolhas ou pontos vazio do vapor do alcohol que ficou preso em sua extrutura
Quando isso ocorreu eu puxei as duas laminas de vidro, a começar por cima com o auxilio de estilhete.
Ele ainda estava grosso, e o que ví foi incrivel.
Ví a formação de folhas de árvore ou árvores de cola isopor com grafite.
Como a cola isopor contém alcohol ela fez bolhas dentro da estrutura..

26/10/2012  15:00 Experimental Conductive Ink
Neste processo tinta condutiva foi feita com relativamente com: 
2 ou 4 gramas de cola isopor concentrada. (alcohol e isopor comprado pronto)
200 ml de alcohol 92 graus.
 20 gramas de grafite em pó (quase potinho inteiro)

update: Re-definir com mais precisão a medida Se esta receita estiver certo uma fina liga de cola de isopor não irá impedir de formar
a camada condutiva. Hoje obtive sucesso com a cola de ontem que secou hoje.
Espero conseguir o mesmo resultado amanhã, a cola demora pra secar em minha casa.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Projects Ideas Priorities - on the verge


1 - Fat people electroconductivity 316l Mettalic wires T-Shirt to help achieve disposition.
2 - Clotes-Armature that keeps moist using polyacrilamide or tubes-exo-circulation device.
3 - Help HHO device that works on Electrodes to Schools by Donation.
4 - Finish Tiny Joe-Cell Test,  uses Walter Russel Electro Positive and Magneto negative properties..
5 - A google reader - That reads PDF. Transparent, not a very hard device. That would save many readers from big problems from reading in shaking transportaions, like commercial bus.
6 - A polyacrilate or polyacrilamide device that ladder up the balls to move something.
7 - Recovery of Silver plates using Clorine


1 Generally people tend to get fat and don´t come into baths or ocean, ashamed of their body, this costs their life. A research probably would show that people that dive in saline water everyday, dont get too fat.
Another test show that the signals sent by the brain to the muscles travel ALSO outside the skin. The necessary effort for a fat people to create movement is blocked by saturated fat that insulates electricity of any kind. They got tired faster!

They cannot explain from where the energy of muscles and blood come, as proven fact, the liters of blood is scientifically unable to create so much work alone,  there is much energy coming from somewhere, like atmosphere.

A good armature with 316l wires that follow the fibers direction around their skin would redistribute these comands and make fat people more active. Must be exaustivelly tested to be proven wrong.
A good design makes them fell better, like bionic man.
Taking care of take out in Thunder situations, all other time is very good chance to them to recover body fitness.

The saline water is not effective in electronic conduction like Stainless Steel ansi 316l induced pure water cell. That could be made into a skin. hidrogenation and oxigenation could take place in the body using a low and safe voltage. Care must be taken here.

2 -  Clotes armature is a possibility to keep the body liquids using a well hidrated polyacrilate clotes or using a circulation device  with tiny channels that keep the body temperature.
Not hard to do using polyacrilate, we can make clotes to withstand the hot days, being a necessary clote in summer tropical or arid days to come, like everyday the clotes we use on could days.

A care must be taken to dont let polyacrilate dry out, with some researvatories, or some sistem to close the skin in the point they become dry, or take them out very easy. 

3 - In  2009 there where 2582 worker deaths because oxi-acetilene devices. my HHO -generator devices dont offer any hazards like that, uses no electrolite and generates a gas that we can even  breath.
My challenges was the outer case, that needet to be made of pure 316 if positive, but is possible by economics making a outer planet a negatve red metal wold facilitate so much the average price.
Using only some 316l positive electrodes at the center the outer tubes woud generate so much and would be sufficient and last some weeks.
Im trying to find a electrode that could be electrolitically rebuild or recharged using electrodeposition.

The positive electrodes could be them replaced into the device and work for a entire week again.
We would need many of that to compose a ultra-safe and ultra economic very good welder.
Also a very good mask is necesary, because he emmits light like that of the sun.
This matterial could be made for education proposes and safety of our children at schools.

A different unacepted magnetism aproach was fact into many cars that worked just on energy coming out of water using a cell that wont need any known combustible. After many years of research a simple conclusion come to me. A hard to do replication that have worked sometimes in my presence is related to Walter Russel theory. What can be made Big can be made Tiny. What can work 3D can be made 2D or flat.  We can generally simulate devices that work on 3D space into pseudo 3D using a easy to build flat 2D configurations.
We can build flat magnets, also we can build flat engines as in the videos in the older posts that works like a piston only on magnetism. We can create many many simlulations on joe cell and test them into flat circuits made of 1cm thickness and glass, and glue to prove some concepts.

My need ask for that brasilian commmercial buses that shake like a hell, to use some glass to be able to read, this glass has the display into the lens, making to read confortable using a confortable position sincronized display on flat cheap liquid crystal pdf reader that makes big word projection onto the screen making easy to read, while just behind we can see the everyday life, we can read safe and easy.

Higher priority in my Ideas is this device that works on fast Porous poliacrilate spheres.
A ladder is made, with polyacrilamide spheres, where they go up in a tube, just under there is no way to them come out, but dehidrated balls just go into the tiny entrance.
Dry Spheres  must have 1/8 size, or grow like eggs-or spikes,  leaving top inside tube and above coming ladder dry balls.

Extra extra: This could explain some anomaly workings on joe-cell devices, like electrocharges produced by bubles going up, or is my invention right now.

While the inner cillinders have a tiny distance from the botton of the cel, we can imagine that they work exactly like my ladder polyacrilateshperes ladder cell.
I saw many times that bubles from hho cells going down. They are too tiny, they are less afected by water density!
The tiny bubles of gas is so tiny that they are almost estatic, that any weak water circulation could take them out against the natural flow of gas under water!
As the tiny created bubles come down, they come under the bigger ones, on the  right (right poirtion positive cell surface) and sum to other tiny ones, being unable to come back, and begin to go up only at positive outer surface of  the device.

Hidrogen bubles in the cell are generated at center down there  by a solid cilinder.
Hidrogen bubles are the tiny ones. .Oxigen bubles stick to the surface of cell until they got big enough to come up  at the   positive walls.
As hidrogen is forced into oxigen bubles, Oxigen bubles go up and force the water up, on the outer layer, while the tiny ones at center being hidrogen has a tendency to come down with the flow of water as they are very very tiny.
Big Oxigen bubles hardly come down, and because they are bigger than the distance of inner neutral plates to the botton of the cell, we create a circulation device that can keep his capacitive charge for long time.


Well, that would work as the big expanded bubles can filter dry bubles that come into the inner tube by the distance from the tube to the botton, it creates a perpetum mobile.

thats it. Take spetial attention the the date my post was made, many people will try to get the gold to them.

Using clorine, we can dissolve silver from silver plates, this will be necessary to me, for getting hang on some money.


Friday, October 19, 2012

In joe cell we have:

Magneto negative- outside plate.- oxidizing wire- non conductive -  can be charged, but the end we just stick the positive wire (oxide or magneto negative) in a glass or plastic case as simulates every lowering conduction.
Electro-positive - at center it simulates the gravitating planet core. This is high voltage and low amperage.
Would this core better if conected to expanding soft ferromagnetic iron  as low voltage high amperage to conterbalance the outside 316l austenic that theorically has high voltage??

E.L.S.A. The forbidden forgotten project

ELSA was a very good project. They displace water in a submarine like device that goes up.
Consideration was on how much water a submarine lifts while is coming to the surface.
Not much but sufficient to keep a moto continuous.

My attention here is that he uses a Single pistion.
My observations say that we could use not only many pistons to keep two pressure/vacum atmospheres but also use expansion agains conical walls that will force rings up when expanded and down when compressed.

If in my project we use rings instead of polyacrilamide balls, they would come up in conical tubes like a rocket!

Expansion in cones makes a elastic trow effect, where grip would just help this happening.
Many rings would keep the two atmospheres in check, just like a simulation of space-earth evironment, there willl be no energy necessary to create strongest ciclone like effects.

People must be blind, in middle ages to be able to be DOGMATIZATED by today´s  BAD science.


This project is about the same as before. but something very very fun is here.

As the polyacrilamide expands inside tubes, they come up again and again.
the expansion make them ladder.

(we also could explore the expansion over a low angle cone, that woudl force them to be expeled up by strong directed pressure.)
(Remenber that crossing expansion compression is a limit creator, creates a wall of crossing lines)

What is much more fantastic over these, is there this bubles could keep vacuum.

As expansion happens over tubes, their direction would be up. Against gravity.
IF they expand inside a tube the vacuum will not  mix out from the top portion to the botton.

(rubber rings with water chanels inside)
RINGS: - project on rings projected 2 constant different air pressures.
(remenber: Many space is like a solid  wall, as the time to cross will be much more than the  speed of matter in case.)
(also remenber: Very compact solid is like a multiplyer speed of light for matter expanded into vacum, because vacum find much less space to travel, just the reverse of above observations)

Rings woud contract over very high pressures, the intestines like outer organic polyacrilamide layer cone   would keep a vacum atmosphere separated from a high pressure atmosphere at base of cone.

As the rings feel the pressure, a compression takes place, they are forced up. (like inverted jacobs ladder)

As these rings flow into their axes, they are guided to the vacum.
The vacum pulls there are so many that the only top ring is influenced.
 As the ring come to the vacuum environment they turn upside down.
Now you ask, the ring was released from a inner presssure there is no way back without a outer influence or force.
Not really:

They now is guided to a neutral position, no pressur up or down, but fit well.
Something come into the game now.
The inner of ring is just fit. but as vacuum expands them, the outer surface now as a inverted low angle cone compress them in downward direction  against pressure escaping from vacuum.
As many rings are there, they dont mix the atmospheres.
The rings come down as:
1 - Ladder by expansion by vacum.

 inner cilinder make possible a upper pressure and under pressure also.
As the rings come out into ring pressure conical rooling, they come up
As they come up very fast, they woud fall onver tips of cones.
But now they begin to dry because of very huge vacum.

About Polyacrilamide expansion bubbles and water rings.

1 - Expansion of polyacrylamides in water absorption makes them push themselves up. The way is not about density, is much more like a  ladder - That way the bubbles could have lead or some very heavy material inside - going up against gravity.

Polyacrilamide can have maybe 1% other material mixed when dry.
Polyacrilamide can in better configuration, be around balls like a skin.

This skin could be made by injecting some metal particles inside a rubber state, almost dry polyacrilamide.

The objective here would be to have a dry skin that won´t brake, making a very dense matter to came up against gravity like a ladder.

We used to think that a gravity engine or perpetual motion can´t work with weigh only, but sure works if the weight comes up like a ladder by expanding state. This is how nature works as Walter Russel talks in his home course.
A ball that is composed of polyacrilamide mixed with inox tiny bubles (atoxic, heavy) making a composed sphere very weighty.

As polyacrilamide expands, they ladder up, to the point they overflow in a plane filter that wont let bigger bubbles come down.
When they dry to a sufficient tiny, they cross holes and fall under the "wet tube"   that by tiny holes wont let hidrated balls come out, but wont let also dehidrated ones waiting outside, because the balls have so much space between them.
A 1 centimeter hidrated ball can have much more than 10 tiny dry dehidrated ones, just under him beside his touching point at the base.
A very good design would have setions like a coral snake or bee fat ass.
That rings separated 3mm from each other would let easy tiny come in the wet hidrating tube.

A easy process would be a cone with tip inside water at the base of a closed tube, let
the tiny bubles come in and help expansion just from the place where they can be very fast hidrated.

Well if a buble comes in a dry place, the speed would be very compromised, like if we charge only one of 10 series of batteries, the charge from that only battery would be distributed. This would be very very bad for speed of charge.

For a battery work well as this kind of ladder batery, we would need recharge(hydrate) equally  every section that the tiny dry bubles come in.

"Intestines like" tube would allways hydrate them, but just in this experiment a single cone under would be sufiicient.
A regulated flow of balls that fall under the cone is sudden rehidrated, and them come up again, but wont be able to came out from the tube, as the holes is already too tiny in the section from cone.

Dry balls is somewhat related to water vapour or evaporated particles, or even hho.
Water is another state.

In gaseous state, that kind of movement that happens here in very slow motion, can hapen very sudden in fire, gas or liquid states, what would explain the workings of nature.

I wonder if that sistem is not crossing against each other in the case of a incandescent charcoal in a  candle. As air comes in into compressing the charcoal, there is a simultaneous expansion that would filter like I SAID above.

A filter generated by two oposing forces would create a visible flame limits.

Whem we have 2 oposing forces as expansion and compression we have fire.
Studies on Gasefier inner flames woul make it easy to understand.

Ritmic Balanced Interchange.

what about create some simulating polyacrilamide rings?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Finally I can understand the process of heating in relation to Dr Joe Champion Yeast Putrefation.

In my experiment the Putrefation let the silver atomic surface became quite gold. Pure gold.
This stable color will turn back into silverly if you let the sample a month after reach putrefation.


Viktor Schauberger explained that what can curea man  is water going into 37 degrees direction (the human temperature) from cold or from heat.
That could explain why heat and could is both used sucessfuly fur cure acceleration.

Now Yeast:
Yeast is the same:

Fermentation is equilibrium turning hot, or charging with life energy.
Putrefation is heating discharging turning could again, death, loosing life energy.

When this putrefation is over, there is more equilibrium - nothing happens anymore.

What matters is the direction of heat.
We know well that when we heat a metal it will melt, and will not boil if we aply the same heat after gets could again, but will be kept melted if we aply the heat before it cools down.
Taking that in consideration,for putrefation affect keep charging the silver, we need many fermentations to keep silver only under putrefation influence, or the process will fail.

Why you got this?

Is simple in middle ages there is no way to heat something and keep it at the same temperature.
Do your really think they used thermostat?

It could be made by many layers of water, but also more natural is that a candle would heat something to boil, and after the heat is cooling to almost at 45 degrees, the yesterday water would be almost could, - time to change water up.

This would keep the heat being transfered all the way from mid could (45 degrees Celsius) into the transmutation salts, or else the process of coagulation would be broken!

Also the cooling and heating could be used in the known process solvet et coagula.

SOLVET et coagula  => for reaching a dissolution
solvet et COAGULA => for reaching coagulation.

A huge solvet in relation to coagulation time would create a difference.
For example, making something coagulate, we would need to charge this with some heat discharging from hot into could.
For making some matter solve, we would need to be heating the matter up to incandescence and place into the water (need strong glasses) , or let it cools down into wind.

There allways 4 factors to take into consideration.
Heat from Matter transfers into could medium. Direction out, solve, death, expansion.
Heat from Out ransfering to matter.  Direction in, coagula, charge, life, compression.
Could from Out, cooling down the matter, direction in, could being inflicted, dischargin.
Heat from In, transfering to Out, etc.. these terms i need review carefullly

Today is the day, I have made a effect of polyacrilamide going up into a tube and coming back again, let it dry before can go into the holes, also,in this filtered size evaporated, he can enter down there, just on the side of hidrated balls to push them up again.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

This can be used for greeb fresnel crossing lines.

This is what i was searching for - chap conductive ink

now im ready to create many flat coils tha well regulated can even create electricity from light.
Coil works electrically on optical-like effects like these.

Monday, October 15, 2012

How Nitrogen is so well mixed with oxigen and hidrogen? Taking into consideration, being lighter we would be breathing only nitrogen!

But I thing we have earth rotation, moist, and evaporation that makes tiny bubles of oxigen and hidrogen  inside the nitrogen. (what they call ions) because ions is a big flaw.

Seek more knowledge on complete Walter Russel Home Course available in some places.

These "eggs" of nitrogen covered with oxigen or something like that, would make so easy to breath when I turn on the HHO or Joe-Cell in my room!

If so, a stuck air would have to much nitrogen, visible build up of them into potassium nitrates generated in urinated wood in the basement for centuries.

We also need to put here
Experiment: Create a Cell made of Neutral Plates into Lemon or Potatoes.
This will work as cell and we will see something?
How much voltage the neutral plates will generate?
The cell can be charged? How much energy the potato will generate?

This is for later, now we need concentrate on order of place at home.


Hidrogen or Oxigen Implosive Charge Influence - Why not AIR?

Hidrogen or oxigen generated by the Stainless Steel  ANSI 316l Metal plates cell will have "Strange" Behaviours"  while connected to a DC battery or capacitive charge in Pure or Distilled Water wihtout any electrolite or salt, and away from ferromagnetic material or any magnets:

1 - The spark or fire will burn the buble of gas, the result will be no fire, and the instantaneous  generation of  vacuum.

2 - Any contact: I SAID ANY CONTACT with Nitrogen that makes 70% of our air will stop this anomaly! The effect will be null and a slow hidrogen or oxigen flame will be visible.

Taking these into consideration we understand that for a vehicle work on joe-cell, the Nitrogen of the air maybe is filtered out before it reaches the chamber.

As the cell is a Huge Super Capacitor-like device, the sparks would create  a filter.
IF there is no spark, but could balance, as any good mecanics know a good balanced combustion engine freeze the intake while is working well. This will freeze the nitrogen, and there will be no problem related with nitrogen.
Also could be related to the heat generated by enigne. If the oxigen or hidrogen being light generated by air evaporetes to the camber before the nitrogem, there is the answer.
Another possibility is the nitrogem can be also charged to don´t interfere with gas anomaly.

4 possible categorized factors for Nitrogem filtration:

1 - Spark that turns Nitrogen from air into liquid nitrogen smoke.
2 - Frreezing nitrogen into liquid.  (possible but very could, very hard to achieve)
Nitrogen: -210.00 °C, -346.00 °F
Oxigen:   -218.79 °C, -361.82 °F
Hydrogen -259.14 °C, -434.45 °F
We could filter the nitrogen out  in a "nitrogen surrounded metal" that let the air in.
This would let only the oxigen and hidrogen flow upward into the charging combustion chamber.

3 - Another method will be burning the hidrogem and oxigen out of nitrogen. That could explain why sparks separate nitrogem out of air, Nitrogem won´t burn..... Considerating this, a incandescent chamber would take air inside, the air would burn, but the hidrogen will not. But if the incandescence is not related to 316l charged Anomaly we would burn out the air into carbon? This is no good.
              Related Insight: Now to the Facts.
             Ordinary Atmospheric Electronic SPARK turn nitrogen gas into liquid microbubles of Liquid Nitrogen.
             What happens to oxigen and Hidrogen? Fly away? Burn into charcoal?
             (Generally this effect is visible in relation to Oxigen and Hidrogen in anomaly 316l Cell, turning the gas back into water suddenly  IF is not in contact with  nitrogen)
             As implosion is Inside-in We are looking at some Implosion Shielding generated by a Nitrogen Egg-like effect!
             The oxigen and Hidrogen Will not Shield this implosive effect into the Nitrogen in a atmosphere spark.
             Because in a egg of gas, the oxigen and hidrogen will be outside the nitrogen, because is much lighter! (im right?)
            But that spark dont affect the oxigen and hidrogen present in air? 
              The ratio of  70% nitrogen make them into   Nitric acid that it generates already have  02. 
            So.... the spark is strong implosion.
    It works just like hho generator, but reverting air into no2 or Nitric Acid.

4 - Another method 
A huge spark would implode the gas, and also the air that come in with nitrogen.
In question is that we could charge even stronger the nitrogen the waaaay up again untill this nitrogen reaches a point that would be very implosive in high speed like oxigen and hidrogen.
This is good. I can control how a Joe-Cell charge the implosion on bubles.
But how make it even stronger than now, up to the point that we can ignore the nitrogen?
This  is not in my experience yet.

Another Conclusion - AC air Charge.

 What is the reverse of spark that turns nitrogen gas into liquid nitrogen?
How turn GAS nitrogen into ENERGY-GAS  or PLASMA nitrogen?

I have one IDEA why taking considerations on WALTER RUSSEL home course that I completed.

As joe-cell being Austenic creates in pure water a kind of Alternating Current.

This AC acts like conducting media, and yet, this water wont short the circuit!
The conductive neutral plates betwen contected plates ACT like connected plates!

That effect is visible inside lamps, that have Tungsten, that is also austenic, but they need take out the air and place vacum.

The carbon arc lamp works well with nitrogem, but is burning on Site (not just turning air into plasma, but also creating the fire)
To create a could plasma in air, would look like a glow bubles as seem in candle in microwave oven,

 How limit this"burning" to take a Higher voltage, up to electrostatic and, in a outlet lighter, implosive power gas would create a stronge engine without the need to "SHORT" and huge consuption take place.

At the end of this video we can see how carbon buildup makes a better implosion effect in air.

Exist Some Separated Features within the Single Joe-Cell.
Im trying to reach Magnetic Anomalies but we try to understand minnimum details.

1 - His format and Size - is like a Big Capacitor.
Without eletrolite, we have a higher water resistance, and capacitors with resistors is well known- as SuperCapacitors.

Probably we are dealing with some high voltage capacitor.

Such high voltage that, the conductive metal plates stops to conduct properly, and the rubber give huge shock! and big sparks! (effect seem in videos).

2 - Neutral Plates - Residual Charge.
This neutral plates develops a kind of Charge without any connection - by ballance.

In my experiments a neutral 316l bars, between the connected 316l bars  without any connections will develop 2 charges, + and -  in salty water to balance the polarities of conected rods.
In pure water they  act like connected plates in pure water, impressive results!

By the time necessary to charge a cell, we can´t take in consideration the Car Battery, but just the capacitive charge that wont give up.

The "proven by practice" implosive bubles retain some charges while the device is connected or have some capacitance.

What is most fantastic is that, a common  super capacitor would last weeks taking the necessary charges for implosive bubles.
We see that a car battery is allways being recharged., that means the implosive influence of the cell over the conventional "explosion" would turn the cell into a continuous fuel cell.

A tiny cell  like a capacitor. A FLAT capacitor.
The size will not reach 3 inches by 1 inch max.
But the plates will be sufficient to keep charge.

The only charge will be on the Aluminum Dry High voltage flat capacitor that surrounds the flat cell in the center..

The engine will also be flat.
A projet will be made. Is necessary to work into this.

"What can be made BIG can be made Tiny."
"What can be made 3D, can be made FLAT"

Monday, October 08, 2012

Lifter in the game

Now  lets think about the lifter.

The lifter has the same effect of that created by this video
The same logic with some bit of difference when aplyed to this:
Dont use high voltage please, dont make your parents sad with someone killed.

there is a flow of "charged air" back and forth, but this time, instead of positive wire having aluminum, it has cooper.
Also nickel-Cromium wires works once the magnetism is gone with incandescence.

But instead of one free aluminum foil, we got this COOPER WIRE. how magnetic eletric flow happens?
Lets make this and joe-cell one theory.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Lampada Inversa.
Assim compreendo  o que pode ser o fogo grego, ou lampada inversa.

A lampada inversa funciona assim.
Hoje testemunhei sobre espada de luz.
Entendo que o processo é inverso.
Não temos que ter uma lampada de vidro que impede o pavio de ser consumido.
Pelo contrário, temos que ter um metal que deve ser impedido de?

Eu vejo remotamente uma forma de metal que não tem que ter vácuo dentro de um vidro, mas que sim, no lugar do vácuo, luz, e fora, trevas.


Neutral Plates - Vibratory Obstacle

As we see now,  in video:
The obstacle blocks the flow from one side (top, expanded air, water ,matter, solids)to other (space, vacuum,  generated by weight of water into tubes)

Inside a lamp we have the same, A flow of energy that could Burn instanstaneously, is limited by vacuum.
The only particles that can enter in and out find obstacle (glass).

I want to reach something here, dont fraight with wrong details.

The darkness so doesnt sudden destroy the incandescent light metal in a FLASH, but cross trough glasses, the obstacle that generate excitement of the photons inside the lamp, exactly as cup on video above.

1- incandescent metal fire genrate vaccum (attracts dark, expanded matter that swap places with air after the flash, burning oxigen and completing a process.)
2 - The limited by glass, there  is no way to this happen, so there also no oxigen to burn it inside the lamp. As the oxigen can´t cross the glass, what come after the metal is the lightest particles.
As they try to cross the glass inside vacuum, as the vacum sucks the solid cup down puxing water to fill the vacum, the glass saturates in his surface and block the sudden flow of energy, as the cup sometimes is puxed down, even being lighter than water, blocking the flow and doing a single vabration section.
What we see is the finest dark particles transforming into light. Because if metal turn into light, some light must turn into dark. The light so happens, as if we have oil over the water, also we can use noble gases to create colorfull lights inside lamps..
In the Video Above, the charge is answering like the water inside joe cell shows bubles of hidrogen going left and right by such influence.
 But if we could limit this vibration, to take time, crossing under neutral plates that even excite him even more vibrations, there will be a slowdown effec. As we turn off the device it would take some time to finish his now charge.

Explanation on Bubles.
Bubles are basically like this:

As in the lamp:
The oxigen find a vacuum created by a expansion, so the air cannot run against water, in my view, the oxigen and hidrogen ions, cross down and take place pressing down all oxigem and hidrogem in the cell, until some fine hidrogem entering the water, is also released in the point where the vacum was created over the electrode, and oxigem takes place where expansion try to take place. 

If we forcibly expose 316l to the salty water acts like a oxigem medium, where releases the oxide from the metal destroing the cell, and accelerating the short, destroing hho generator properties.

I will set knowledge much more easy to understand soom, but I need this now.

But estrange, they cannot work in air, but only in pure generated vacum.
The pure water has more vaccum or space, than salty water that have metal oxides or solids that could act as center, burning the bubles, creating a slow burning fire, know as simple hidroxide, where there is no charge at all..
The bubles are for me formed by vacum limiting water that forces a vibration of oxigen and hidrogem particles to let the energy flow out, and so is created by this obstacle like in first video, a vibration that could even generate electricity, as generate bubles that scape from generator.

Im sleeping, Someday I will make myself perfect clear, believe me.


Saturday, October 06, 2012

Ao observar o vídeo:
Em um dos videos de Joe, ele demonstra como ja experimentei que as bolhas vão da esquerda pra direita.
Elas violentamente viajam esquerda e direita,  e a agua fica "dura".

Entendendo que a agua tem propriedades condutivas devido ao (não magnetismo) do inox 316l, a anomalia unida a alta voltagem de um capacitor cilindrico concentrico propicia este movimento de vai e vem entre o eletrodo abaixo (negativo) e o positivo logo ao lado e nas laterais.

Como no blog anterior o video de que circulos ou hexagonos centrais adicionais fazem que o magnetismo pule.
Podemos entender:

Se a água condutiva sem sais não pode produzir o vai e vem como ocorre com  a bola de alumínio no video acima,  Ou se, a condutividade sendo magnifica ela tem que antes passar por um obstaculo, o que temos?
Eu observo o vai e vem da água passar ou em espiral, ou pulsando, ou como deveria, formando um circuito magnetico.

Se a bola de aluminio ao inves de ser forçada em vai e vem, for forçada a girar com peso, sem perder a sua inércia em movimentos de vai e vem, ele iria criar não só um movimento acelerado, mas iria mante-lo por muito tempo, dependendo do peso que desprendeu e do atrito que provocou.

Na joe-cell não só os cilindros de 316l são super derrapantes, mas também há uma nuvem de bolhas que se formam ao seu redor, e que se a água se reencontrar em um "Figure of 8", ou infinito, ela só vai acelerar até o ponto que nos mostrará auto-sustentavel, uma vez que as placas neutras guardam cargas e ainda geram mais carga se forem incitadas com uma "bobina" de água em movimento de  correntes "marinhas" ao seu redor.

Ah Esta pronto! Motor eletrostático (4000RPM)
Para aumentar seu potencial, teriamos que girar seu campo magnético em um 8!
Quando vemos estes motores rotacionais não entendemos que o círculo destrói a capacidade
deles se auto-carregarem.

Agora devemos pensar como fazer o FIGURE OF 8, e eu só consigo pensar usando água,
porque como na bateria de Walter Levin, o CRUZAMENTO 8 faz uma espécie de GIRO como a corda de metal de um relógio antigo, que forma eletricidade em resposta ao giro do campo magnético que está no centro,  Mas que cruzando, gera uma solidez que impede o retorno imediato, e este atrito entre as duas fitas de água, cria alta voltagem.

Uma patente de capacitores em figura de 8 os torna não indutivos, e não magneticos, o que prova que de certa forma não perdemos assim a energia elétrica produzida pelo giro em forma magnetica por ser produzido por um movimento em 8.

Se utilizarmos os 4.000 volts e a bolinha de alumínio, teriamos que ser mais versateis:
primeiro que 4.000 volts não pula mais que 1 centímetro.
Um obstaculo normal, criaria o que vemos, um campo magnetico vai e vem Vertical.
Para que o campo vertical se torne um "Figure of 8"
=> Eu vejo uma estrela de 5 pontas.
As linhas entrelaçadas, devem ser capaz de utilizar a energia magnetica como é feito
pelo sr Raphiel Morgado, para que possa até mesmo produzir a propria energia por longo

Agora observei que: Como a agua é multi-particula se comporta como uma barra entre os dois, ela vai
criar vai e vem de duas formas simultaneamente contra um ao  outro.
Ao tentar eviar uma batida, o que é natural iniciar por isso o conhecido espiral.
Como ela vai encontrar o movimento anterior ao girar, ela vai cruzar a 90 graus, e voltar ao
movimento incial um pouco acima e o outro para baixo.
Estas linhas eletricas então vão expandindo evitando choque e e cria o que conhecimenos pelo nome de "campo magnético".
Mas este campo magnetico se assemelha sim a aquele descrito por joe.
Ela vai pra esquerda, pra direita, pra cima, pra baixo, e fecha circuito como uma bola de 4 aneis.
A medida que ela vai aumentando sua força ela vai formando o que conhecemos por helicoidal.
Os dois X são o cruzamento de duas vias com elas mesmas, buscando novas direções.
Já sabem desmontar, então o helicoidal na verdade, quando mantem vida, tem o formato de figura ativa que gira, formando quase que um "sistema solar" com um grande "sol" em nosso corpo, chamado DNA, ele não se limita a helicoidal quando vivo, mas ele forma um movimento inteligente que vou um dia simular aqui.


Penso em usar ou se foi usado o proposito acima m CLEM.
Quando falamos de Dr CLEM e seu CLEM engine: Funciona com óleo.
Podemos entender que se houver um movimento como espirais que descem, muito parecido com o vai e vem, so que o vai e vem na joe-cell produz por natureza espirais, mas a água então irá gerar um potencial, e se tornará sólida, formando uma fita envolta do cone, que por sí desce pela gravidade auxiliado pela já gerada força centrifuga.
Ma no caso do chamado cavitation effect, ter ajuda das bolhas de vácuo, ou bolhas que isolam o material das paredes com óleo, sem a força destruidora da água, ocorrerá o movimento ultra economico, como é o do corpo das plantas que bem se sabe, naturalmente não destroi o solo.