This is the basis of process
The void Aluminum device:
1 - Instead of creating a colunm of solids like illustration above that makes matter goes against gravity, we work creating a void made of gas hold by a aluminum weight that guide gas under the water.
In some experiments when a tube was placed inside water, the gas unable to scape above was being generated by HHO special electrolisis inside the tube until the gas fills the tube.
BUT the bubles where coming out from the botton in VERY VERY HIGH-SPIN!
So high that they almost resist the natural flow, taking more time to come out of water, spiraling frenetically, and sometimes escaping so sudden that was almost invisible.
What was happening?
We dont worry about gravity. The gas bubles ar less afected by gravity than balls of iron or water.
They are being generated in a very tiny bubles that won´t have many boyance effect.
Also, the water besides the bubles traped inside the colum was creating a way down to the gas
The bubles hold a twin layer of water that works as guide.
The bubles generated are on the surface of water.
The surface of water is being hold by a aluminum weight.
The aluminum weight forces bubles again into water. This is very important.
The other way is to place aluminum caps that the bubles would be forced downwards.
The buble wont come dowwards until the place is filled with gas.
But if a tiny cilinder holding is placed inside, the excessive gas under surface will go downwards up to the botton and escape underwater, escaping in very high spin. and probably genreating a special kind of electricity.
If made in spiral like a coil, this could be a very very high spin, that could be pure plasma energy of fire.
The gas travels into the suface of the bubles downwards because the oxigen bubles on the side is like a colum of water.
The gas bubles travels inwards,
In a extreeme spiral that would generate bubles so filled of energy that enough energy can be generated to keep working without battery for long long time, even weeks.
Thats the conclusion for now.
We have many conclusions to be tested.
This device must be made in a simple model from now.
see ya
Im not here posting to be ridicularized by my beliefs.
They are like a bookmark that will reveal a forgotten concept that I will be able to proof to you.
This is thinking line, not a proven matter.
1 - The ShakeSpear Secret - The spear cristal that bind subtle matter into dense matter.
1 - A) The oxigen penetrates in matter (incandescent tungstein) and destrois by a penetration called today Oxidation.
But the vacum is a more subtle undetectable (expanded) matter that penetrates the tungsten without destroy the bound of tungsten.
That means: The solids like stones keep like stones and is hard to bend or inflexible or breakable.
The liquids are less visible but yet visible and able to pass into some known solids much more flexible, hard to break, sucetible and energetic. (energy is sucetibility to outer movements) and is able to make so thin that a gram of gold can create hundred metters of golden surfaces.
The gas is already invisible, but much more flexible and can penetrate much more, and can be made in a very very thiner layer, much more enrgetic!
The vacuum is composed of so expanded matter and is so flexible that penetrates all matter. invisible and ultra flexible matter. Very subtle and sucetible even to thinking. Known as magnetism is tactible indirectly by known magnets.
If oxigen spherical particle can have size less than of a tiny human cell, the vacum can be the same particle expanded to the size of a footbal field.
2 - The Magnetism reality - The subtle oxigen way petrified in Iron against corrosion.
3 - The project and the Void Alumum weitght project.
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