Thursday, December 05, 2019

I was thinking what relation of stones to Grebenikov floating devices? Lets think today! Listen here: Is common knowledge that "a metal crow" submerged in water displace water volume that reveals crow's weight. But something is dramatically forgot if we take massive weight in consideration. The metalic crow is also taken out of AIR that is replaced by displaced water it displaces out of the tub. Our mind is so greed that we forget that this metal was taken from the ground mines sonewhere to left underground its void that is filled with water or air. Why care? You ask? About a 10KG gold crow minimum pressure or displacement? I say that this is not a problem at all. The ignored fact is about a huge displacement effects on nature, like that of a 1000 tone's Rocket, or Monolit stones lift above ground right above underground water. This much weight like Piramids or Stonehenge displace so much air in relatively so few time and swap so much volume at once that probably affects atmosphere to the point of create a high pressure winds in atmosphere, doing the like a giant spark that iniciates a cadence of events above ground, and who knows, even on space and underwater. When huge volume takes place we ignore that we can use this effects to our benefit. But in the quicksand? Or in MUD? How much displacement we have there? Where it will free its pressure? Probably right in the place this huge stone was taken out. Followimg the Water Battery by lord kelvin...We understand that this displacement can also generate a huge electrical potencial. As the pressure rush in thousant kilometers to find its equilibrium back into atmosphere. So water could help displace fast these monolits. And not only will affect the surrounding air, but also extends into electric healm or even spacial consequenses we cannot understand yet because our mind is yet today not deep enough in academic masses mind's. Guilherme Francisco das Chagas

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Alquimia e os processos de preponderância eletro-magnetica ou gravito-radiativa em primeiro e segundo estágios.

Ontem notei que o simples fato de colocar um pote dentro da água e força-lo assim com ar abaixo da água cria um pequeno e curioso diferencial:

Ao observar neste modelo vemos que a massa carbono dentro do pote cria uma peculiar atração para os vapores da água ao redor devido que sendo a água fora mantida com o mesmo potencial fora e dentro, cria-se uma certa comunicação.

Sendo assim, mesmo com o pote hermeticamente selado, haverá precipitação da água dentro, desde que esta água que esteja fora se faça evaporar.

Notemos que se o pote tivesse um furo, teríamos uma comunicação direta e o vazio seria preenchido.
como não temos este furo, a ligação ocorre pelo ar, fazendo com que a água em forma de vapor por aquecimento encontre grande desejo de precipitação dentro do pote, criando o que os alquimistas chamavam de "chover dentro".

Do contrário, no primeiro estagio, algo curioso é feito ao revés disso:
Aquele vapor ao invés de deixar chover ou conduzir, é conduzido em um tubo largo até bem abaixo do nível da água. Então curiosamente, o único ponto de conecção da carga negativa, mas o que mais chama atenção é que o vapor é induzido a um nível muito mais baixo em relação á altura normal, forçando uma condensação da urina evaporada.

Mas pensamos então que, se a retorta fosse metálica, essa força na água pode se traduzir em potencial elétrico sob o vazilhame, e que, se tivéssemos uma conecção desta água, o fariamos no vazilhame abáixo:

Assim a carga positivo deve fazer o trajeto até onde a evaporação ocorreu, de forma a compensar.
Vemos que falam para deixar aberto o receptador, e parte disso é que permite que o vapor de água expandida se neutralize o seu lugar onde houve a evaporação da urina.
Este efeito parece nunca se concluir, criando então uma condensação de água potencialmente carregada:

Lembrando que o processo de redução metálica avermelhando sob fogo de alta intensidade segundo algumas receitas, traduz na verdade de qualquer forma, na formação de carbono, mas sabemos que basta um ambiente caustico para traduzir micro particulas de cobre em uma forma particular nano-cabrono ou cobre zinabre negro, que é supercondutivo, o que me faz refletir sobre todos estes aspectos.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Expanding Sphere Engine.

The notion of expansion escapes the main thing.
While my cup works with a suction down,

The displacement of water is known to enter into spiral, and naturally the satellite on planets spin as the planet itself expands, some theories keep getting dust by lost dispute based on greed and status for hundred years that seems this improbability seems a religious dogma that even the most wise guys seems blind to the obvious.

(Is no wonder flat theories absurdity got strenght, is because very few can debate without getting emotional and non-sense about their "hurge efforts" of rolled papers to understand exactly what was described on their books, so the roots of knowledge and research are obviously far from pristine, believe me they are very dirty, I will not get into this).

Is so simple that a expanding mecanical sphere forced against the magnetic attraction would displace the rolling sphere or rod around his equator, force against force but very tiny preponderance on expantion, creating a peculiar mechanism that can be solid or magnetic liquid, being very easy to implode by hho implosion back into its previous condensed state, or some capacitor charge triggered that condenses back into its primary position like does the magnetic vibrator when the electric current activate its electrical charge making he come back against the temperate metal that holds the magent away form electromagnet inside.

The linear fashion yet gains the main role while pristine technologies like Morgado Engines are kept in the corner, and electrical propultion and plasma propulsion keep itself beig buried to burn fuel.

Among the sharks they could not eliminate a seemed untrouble genius, and today the cars had the support of the gov in USA.
The buried histories of mass murther to keep petrol in the game seems forgotten to most, but not to the justice. I will not be there to protect the return of those who destroy dreams for the sake of greed.

Fair we see, is not from me that the secrets will be blown away, the puritanism and absurd control will try to reinforce the dark side, this will for sure shoot back, and the piracy seem on software finally easy to avoid, will not be so easy to do the same to avoid people from access replication devices and die in the chaotic cataclism to wash our earth day by day.

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Microsoft SelfDestruction Behaviours

Im talking a picture with my Android because my old windows phone I use while rechargin my phone to access browser, simpli decide to update. 
Is true manyblost business, clients, pictures! or even life with this stupid decisions.
I can rely on my android, I take out from recharginf station and take this picture.
Listen After forcing clients agains marketplace in windows 8, now forcing windows update that make machine useless for quite a time, there are clear decisions that reveal where they will end.

Monday, April 02, 2018

Light, elongated subtle matter, and the bubbles mistery

Well. The tungsten is almost the hardest metal, and that tungsten filament got into incandescence by a 220 or 110 volts.
We have the first light source.
But its emission is not that strong without the evacuated space, and the tungsten got black in contact with oxigen.
The non reactive materials are the noble gases. They are the source and the destiny of any light. Noble gas is where the light record itself. Is from where light is born, recent experimentation with rodhium saturated optical fiber reveal that light die and born out in both directions out of its point of origin, creating the first supra-luminal optic light patent.

Its so important but people seems to forget. Yes. It dies, and born again.
Light don't travel, reproduces itself. "Walter Russel"

Elongated must be the way it goes out of the solid metal.
Metal should be pretty normal at very high pressure, so much ambient pressure that any extra pressure would reveal a liquid like metalic substance, so far away from atmosphere, that you would see no light coming out of that liquid tungsten.

But in lamps, we set the light in very subtle environment, some lamps even have vacuum, and even worse, the very light dimensional portal - the noble gas.

Noble gas is non reactive to any metal. (maybe, it actually play a equilibrium role, where both manifestations cease and come back into the noble gas itself)
Like a positive plate that is not positive not even negative in a electrolisis.
A perfect equilibrium instead will play a role of positive to some other negative.
In the case of noble gas in the electrolisis, water is positive and the atmosphere negative.
This way. Simple like this.

So if we instead vibrate thigns? Electricity is vibration. When you rush something in some direction and suddenly breaks it, the matter expands into a spiraling duality:
One expanded towared vacuum (where the matter left its past) and other where the matter is heading on, if we see air, or any ambient would feel that in a spiral movement the heading of material represents a fast speed solid, and if you reach behind it spiraling too, you will see that is subtle.
But this expanded metal now suddenly stops and goes in OTHER DIRECTION!
Yes! it goes back all the way.
Soddenly the gravitating solid side, assume the subtle and the subtle portion of spiral, back from its movement, is not taking that direction.
The potential is much higher here, the before solid side that was hitting air with its hardness become soft, and the side that was in vacuum soft, become solid.
Only once this alternating current creates a pulsating metal.
We see that, depending on the voltage it become vapour, because it expands to the point the structure goes away, and expanding and contracting like this can reach a point where not even tungsten can stand, and well, it will expand and contract until its bout particles is broken, and he burns the lamp.
But regulated voltage-amperage creates a go and go back of expanding metal.
Go and go back of expanding metal.
The effect of a pulsating metal substance is that its subtle portion takes more time to come back than its solid one.
The very subtle side of go and go back metal is expanded, and so radiates.
Light is visible because among that go and go back generated by electricity, we see the expanding portion expanding too fast into a relative solid environment (air is almost solid to plasma), so it creates its rays, because it scape very fast from this dance, in elongated forms, that people call light rays.
But does light really manifest into rays? or we are expanding into a noise like surface that seems to be hitting things individually?

To me light is not individual rays. is a radiation, radial, expanding globe of going on and back elongated expansion that at its last strenght, loose its tension, and widen into a larger ball of metalic nature, that slowly come back to same place taking the opposite direction, condensing back to the same path it created before by its elongated "meteor like" light out of the glass bulb.
So the radii of a light is actually its slowing down, subtle portion that will come back again.
The light touches uniform. we don't see rays. Right? In laser the expansion is hold back by a outer layer of a more dense material, the electrical plasma that makes the expansion of its subtle portion acts like a more dense particles. Just like when we see the formation of pathways inside wood, the dense buble environment where the light of laser is set on, carry on and make it act like a more dense light for longer distances. (no wonder laser carry on electrical manifestation and heat much more than any other form of light)
Maybe my vision have its fraws, its mistakes. Don't think you can discart everthing. I know that many points Eisten where wrong, but we cannot ignore some of its eurecas.

Not being eisten why I'm publishing this?
just that. somewhere someone will read Walter russel, Keshe and Viktor Schauberger, and come to a point of understanding all of this.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Implosive materials.

I did in the past, two times already, a implosive carbon gas, making the bacteria create its gas in electrolysis, that wont affect their nature.

So my first success, after doing the electrolisis, I saw the silver was generating such implosive hho gas. There was no salt on the yeast. The natural salts was not really conductive in that amount of water...

So most of the process was there. And I took the bottle and shaked it (so produced gas carbon would be released insde the bottle) ... to my surprise, bottle was srinking, and believe me is not easy to do this with a pet. Shaking up to the point the bottle was almost flat with the 1/4 liquid yeast taking all its 2 liter volume by vacuum.

Second time I have made a salt battery or sodium battery using same anomaly.
The battery was inside the bottle for a week.
I saw the gas production when opening. I closed it back and it vacuum was formed.
Yes. just like carbonated water (this time oxy-hidrogenated water generated, was shrinking as the oxigen-hidrogen gas was instead of expanding as we shake, conpressing the bottle from inside, like generating vacuum.

Again I have suceeded.

My next project is simple.
Using that knowledge we can create materials that act totally different from natural.
For example, a hidrogen stone, induced by plasma, will become a implosive hidrogen expanded stone.

Instead of fire sublimating, it turn into water (actually hho is like this)
Leaving the metal oxides in air environment will make them come back to metal instead of expanding back to oxide. (that happened a couple of times, to sudden back to metal as oxides came out in high voltage input electolisis with such anomaly.)

Is vacuum, that means some materials may actually loose weight. If they are expanded. It happened in some ati-gravity demostration back in 40's. But how much voltage was necessary to grow such solid cristal?

But something must hold your attention:
1 - It must have a connection to a power source, even 1 volt, negative, until the point it expands, over long period of time, until the expansion of such water stone happens.

Thats it.

Friday, October 07, 2016

I'ts done Bill Gates, Microsoft i'ts done. There is no turn back.

Microsoft again forcing updates, unconsensual updates.
All the users wanted was a better OS, and Balmer Dropped XNA, DirectX, Desktop and tried to force a strange misterious desktop with Marketplace on the users...

And instead of giving resources and support to tiny programmers, they just created a better C++  to old Giant game developers that will never come back.

The Microsoft dark ages is over, I thought when Windows phone 8.0 appeared.
I was wrong.

Microsoft did it again, promising a windows phone 10 that never come to my phone, give a bad, bad ears to  support to users with they slow demand programming hability,

I dont want a search button active, I touch it all the time!
They answered - You don't know hot to use it!

This is a product? No this is a trap.

So... no!
Microsoft is done.

And now?
Will you ask me to pay 200 bucks on a OS that make me wait all day  once every week to update against my will?
Oh no! they would answer!
Is just deactivate the update! Go here here here, and there.. bla bla bla....

Holy Sheet, Microsoft!  Microsoft was bad, but now to me, doest not exist anymore.
Bill, Microsoft is there... just in your pocket....


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Nintendo, Virtual Reality and One-Eyed sight. - Is Stereoscopic vision the wrong virtual reality approach?

To my surprise, I was experimenting with stereoscopic vision without lens
divergent stereograms example:
Where the effect seems to pop even more than oculus rift.
While crossing eyes, you see the pop images in reverse,  both techniques and images, work only for 2 eyed people... (mixing two perceptions by projecting sight near or away)

But 1 eyed blind people dont see a flat screen!
Close your left eye now! you see a flat screen?
So if the VR devices would really be focusing on true 3D immersion, we would not get dizzy, and closing one eye would look also fantastic right?

The main factors are, Eye Tracking, the eye tracks very fast left and right constantly changing or scanning, and to complete the precision We would also need Near and Far sight detection, by detecting stress on eye lens muscles inside the eyes with polarized mini cam near the face,  or its  light adaptation to see when the muscles are focusing near or distant objects in different ambient lights to precise why the pupil changes to see far away or to block light and vice versa.
Because even one eyed, background objects gets blurry when we look near, and in and out precision could also give a more tree dimensional immersion, relaxing eyes, working against dizziness.

Nintendo show in a glimpse of its opening from StarFox the eye tracking device (Nintendo USA).
Please watch in japanese voice:

But eye tracking + head tracking have much more influence on 3D immersion.
And the Jonny Lee had made the Amazing Head Tracking demonstration.

On next video, each time the eye fluctuates from one point to another, we have to fix the overall 3D feedback to the user. Acuracity and speed on eye tracking will skyrocket as time passes, could give us the right 3D feeling just by fast eye tracking, update the world 3D relative focus position at same speed.

You see the dots of focused gaze trembles, this can be the most influential effect that makes one eye gaze yet have full immersion in real world 3D dimension without glasses...
But never forget to let the eye relax by limiting the field over-information in a more previsible world that present changes in world response to our focus  near or far as the next image, the lens on eyes changes.

Remember - Closing one eye don't make you see the entire world flat as a TV screen!

I have created a method to detect the suspensory ligaments by detecting their stress from a single camera with polarized film. Need test.
Lens seem with polarized film 
Injection molding of polycarbonate can produce residual stresses that produce stress-birefringence patterns that are visible through a polarizing filter. When examined in this way, the returned lenses exhibited more birefringence (i.e., internal stress) after assembly in the eyeglass frame."
image source:

So as we see above if the muscle stresses we can see how far and near the lens are focusing checking the exact muscles on eye.
We need to make the eye confortable, imagine a flat world with forced stereoscopic ignoring muscle reactions to light, and the fast natural eye tracking of world and distance perception and filtering, without any update from the software side, of course happens dizziness and other side-effects.

That is it.... for today.

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Inside The Programming Palace

Im a programmer.

Im going there, yes I will be not the first to be there.
The difference is that I will not build a fort and fight to protect my "own" place.
I will just leave the door behind me open, and call you inside to share the knowledge.
Do what stupid people do, but do in reverse.
Why? Because I have nothing to loose,
and many, many people needs at least something to loose.

While this... I will try again.
To give up cafeine...

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Anti Bubles and New safe way to travel across planet earth

The worst case scenario is today airplane crashes and car and vehicle accidents. More people die than any war ever thought our history.

There is no need to this. The knowledge must be limited they say, so they can control, but this far it will not work anymore, the knoledge is out there on internet. Really.
No matter how they try to stop this. Is too late.

We know by today videos that space is not vacum, but more dense, just like water. The less dense is our atmosphere, right before it reaches the outer space.

In outer space density varies, is much more dense as it approaches the sun, up to 300.000 denser than earth, and much much less dense as it go away from the sun, that at some point in giant planets, the iron would flow like water.
Just away from amosphere we would dive into space ocean.
Is no surprise that is so slow to walk in space. Is like to be in water.

Following this anti-bubles video we can understand how easy is to create a safe ship that would be used to transportation.

All you need is to create a anti-space-buble around 600km diameter, or more, in wich a disk will form.
As you dive into that ocean "space" that flows above earth, if this ball is supported to space ocean, all you need is to wait there, so you can jump in japan, when the night comes.

Is that safe.  Did you know?
Do you know how much knowledge is kept away from us?

Its so simple. Its so stupid that people cannot see.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Bubles inside bubles is all universe - Gans and Two Ideas

We know WR science that putrefation creates a radiation, it cools, expands, spin out and dissolves.
So in my oppinion  Gans is actually a form to reach equilibrium and capture that changes inside the water by a insible micro-buble proccess, that gets trapped inside salty water..

Lets think a bit.

I noticed that when in 316l electrolisis (anomaly like gans) creates a mass made of hidrogen if the negative is barely touching the botton of water with a 316l needle tip inside water in electrolisis...

Because the bubles is so tiny, and the voltage enough, the micro bubles was forming a hidrogen preponderant, or magnetic, discharging mass., made out of discharging mass creation electrolisis.

But this same electrolisis when the positive was barely touching the surface, or from a hole in the botton,  touch the water just with the tip of a 316l needle electrode, would aslo create a discharging mass, but in relation to the latest one mass created, it would be ElectroPositve preponderant based on electro polarity and oxigen-hidrogen balance?

What happens if you join both?
I don't know. in my view is:
Both are in the same side of balance. Both are discharged gans, that eventually will dry and solidify in inner direction, becoming generoative.
* The genero-active processes in this ever expanding radiative universe-planet and solar system, are suddenly compensated by environment.

Is almost like to try to burn a torch inside a winter under -30 degrees celsius. Is pretty hard to do this in atmosphere, in contact with nitrogem. We know pretty well how much High voltage is necessary to joing particles of nitrogen in a NO3 of nitric acid. is around 10.000Volts+ to see some resulted nitric acid acumulated in days.

The discharge runs back trough atmosphere to reach its point of equilibrium. And the nitrogen joins the fun, creating tiny bubles of no3, or acid nitric gas.

But you forced a nitrogem that tends to separate violent, takign together any matter, as is used to melt silver, or gold with added chlorine strenght.

Gans is almost like that high voltage electrical power but... why we dont see sparks?
We would see they spark if we produce them in a more aerial environment like metane gas, that according to the density will be liquid or gaseous, yet in this unnatural high pressure environment how much strenght is necessary to create such nano-bubles?

We could instead create in a waterfall made out of some form of gas... Noble gas anyone?
But how much you can spent in a ever flowing noble gas that is so expensive?
Well... hidrogen goes waaaay up...
How would you force hidrogen to goes down?
If you crate a exit on the side of a tube, (upside down cones), most o the hidrogem will go to its lateral.
If the less quantity of hidrogen is generated on the inner portion of the cone, how much hidrogen needs to be generated that, the push up created by ever flowing up trapped bubles of hidrogen necessary to suck the hidrogen bubles in the midle to go down the cone.
So if we force the hdirogem to go down the tip of the cone underwater, the particle of hidrogen will be flowing inside the hole where the butanno, or even salty water is, creating bubles that have micro bubles of hidrogen... But this is so tiny that would take years....
What exactly is porous enough, but dense enough to create such a effect?
Is just a reflexion, you probably are lost, but keep it up. It makes sense.
The wood is one of the known metals that have porosity...To air, and less to water.
But alluminum and iron have no porosity? Have!
aluminium and iron have porosity to heat my friend....
But...friend... heat comes from incandescence... why white light don't cross the aluminum?
Because aluminum in his liquid natural state in a environment where it acts like water, would let the light cross his structure.
But here is cold for aluminum and iron. Very cold... They are frozem.
The shining on the surface of the metals is actually the leidenfross effect made by light.
But the infra-red light can cross aluminum (heat from fire), because they are generative, and very active, coming from a expansion of a gas and compression of its secundary element into carbon.
The almost pure metane creates tiny particles of carbon and very subtle eletric heat or lifting magnetic expanded gas.
The equilibrium is kept. The expansion must follows together with compression on other side.
This creates fire. But the activity is so high that it became preponderantly radiative... so that the nature brings gravitative translation of fire to reach is equilibrium in atmosphere.

This will bring back to the point where, if we force hidrogem to create such bubles, the suddem explosion will happen as soon it breaks up the eggs created by the process.

Im tired now. Im loosing focus. I need rest.

Friday, June 17, 2016


Tentei três dias fazer um dever de casa, mas curiosamente, a motivação sempre vem das coisas que brilham uma esperança em toda a humanidade.

Me perdôe novamente. Fui capaz de fazer este texto porque foi novamente envolvido por uma grande inspiração, depois de usar uma lamparina com chama bem regulada em tamanho e potencia, oculta e afastada abaixo de uma mesa gigante de pedra, bem ao centro, para aquecer a pedra suavemente, para manter meus gatos aquecidos na noite fria.

Ao observar a vela, mais uma vez me lembro do que mais me motiva a viver. É saber que existe formas de criar a chama da água, a chama violeta. A chama da água de forma simples.
Então me lembrei de algo muito importante.

Que a pedra de sal aquecida secava minha garganta perigosamente, quando aquecida pela lampada. eu quase engasgava sem água na garganta, com pulmões secos.

Sim, da mesma foram que o HHO, que por deus não machubei mais a mim e meu amigo com seu poder de atrair água e secar a garganta.

Quando juntei os dois, a pedra do himalaia, e o gerador de HHO, tive um rápido desenvolvimento de penemonia relativamente grave.

Alguns meses depois sarei, e como tenho problemas no fígado, poderia ter morrido por seus efeitos contrários do remédio tamifloo, que ao tomar chorava e ajoelhava de dor, mas graças a deus encontrei um médico que aceitou me receitar homeopatia que me fez sarar rapidamente.

Noitei que o poder de atração da agua é tão grandiosa nesta pedra de sal, que se houvesse vapor de água, criariamos uma circulação violenta de atração das particulas de água.
A pedra de sal atraindo a água tende a derreter, mas aquecida pela água tende a evaporar a água que atraíu a sí mesma.

Hoje temos a vantagem de ter um fogo constante. E a desvantagem de não ter a circulação pusativa que a pedra filosofal precisa.

Acho que precisa pulsar, com chama forte onde a água não consegue chegar ao coração do sal, até o dia seguinte, onde o óleo da lamparina, com óleo secando perde sua força, onde a água toma o coração da pedra de sal, expandindo e com pacato calor, expulsando suavemente a água que absorve em seu coração, até o momento de adicinar mais óleo de frituras a velha humilde lamparina.

Se não houver esta necessidade de pulsar, deve haver um equilibrio perfeito entre expulsar a água e atraila no corpo, criamos uma circulação dentro da pedra. Desde o sutil até formar o "sangue" de tua cor de pedra avermelhada.

A vela de óleo com chama flutuante. A necessidade do minerio de ferro da urina ou do sal rosa, do zinco, que é a prata dos filósofos, que reage pela peste do zinco, que abre quaisquer metais, resume este segundo processo que demora alguns dias ou mêses, nos primeiros estagios segundo o tratado alquímico - O livro de áquario.

O filósofo não pode comprar aquecedor. Mas ele tém acesso ao óleo feito manualmente, ou de frituras, ou transgenico que serve para queimar e usar em sua pequena lamparina improvisada com aluminio enrolado com furinho e pavio que flutua sobre o óleo posto sobre a mesma quantidade d agua para não queimar ou oferecer riscos de queimar a casa ou à saude ou as pessoas.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Cafeteira Philips Wallita

Cafeteira Philips Wallita.

Esta é uma cafeteira que mantém uma quantidade muito grande de cafeína no produto final.

Esta é a imagem da minha separação.

A semana que fiquei sem sem toca-la, e o acumulo desta energia sexual se somou ao acumulo de cafeína, me fez assusta-la para sempre.

Ainda ontem quando usei as tecnicas para resistir a masturbação, que por avido conhecimento desta magia chamada EFT, bloqueei de pronto qualquer excitação sexual, ja faziam tres dias seguidos.
O café parece assim acelerar esta energia acumulada, como quem usa gasolina envenenada, forçando o motor, mais do que pode suportar.
Como se fosse uma roda de energia giante girando, acelerada pela cafeína se torna assustadora.
Quando ocorre a ejaculação, toda a energia acumulada se vai no esperma, e a roda de energia desaparece por um momento, como uma rodinha de skate então, pequena e inofensiva, fazendo que o processo de acumulo de energia se inicie novamente, fazendo assim o café inofensivo.

Eu provei mais uma vez, desta vez consciente, de como que a cafeina e o acumulo de energia sexual, se torna numa perigosa roda de energia, que não só esgota quem me acompanha com pensamentos freneticos, assim como eu mesmo chego a me saturar insuportavelmente.

Meus pais, meus amigos, não conseguem esconder a insatisfação e a desconecção com meu ritimo, quando deixo esta energia atingir proporções gigantes, ser acelerada em velocidades imensas.

As palavras adentram diversos temas, que pela vontade de transmitir muito, acaba resumindo de superficial tudo em resumo rapido, criando uma mascara de fantasia de coisas fantasticas.
Na verdade, muito bem fundamentadas estão, porem a transmissão destes se ve prejudicada por um ritmo descontrolado, passando não só uma imagem ruim, mas um conhecimento superficial e distorcido do profundo conhecimento que me fez ao longo de anos, e conecções chegar a esta visão.

A visão clara, computa 10.000.000 de coisas simultaneamente, e posso associar quase tudo o que estudei num glimpse de visão que jamais poderia ser transmitida sem antes colocar pesadamente em palavras ao longo de diversos livros.

Estas palavras não sao bem recebidas em resumo, porque quero ficar mais tempo conversando do que a pessoa é capaz de suportar, quando é uma relação, quero ficar mais tempo fazendo sexo, do que elas são capazes de suportar. E as pessoas não me aguentam nem mesmo na mais simples coisas.

Aquele namoro virtual, entrou num ritmo frenético, a discussão calorosa sobre religião e sobre ciência, e com a chegaca daquela cafeiteira, a cafeina e a energia sexual foi acumulando, e fazendo com que ela percebesse uma pessoa diferente da que conheçeu.

Ja não era mais aquele personagem pacato calmo e româtico que gostava de dançar.
Agora um cientista ávido e intelectual, parece maluco, frenetico, e parece falar coisas sem sentido e desconexas, mesmo que tenham sido profundamente fundamentadas em estudos de mais de 25 anos.
Uma crescente obcessão, um foco ávido e assustador,  via claramente a insatisfação nos olhos dela, o medo de minhas atitudes, logico pensavam que eu estava alterado  por outros motivos.

Queria demais me deitar novamente com ela, e logicamente ela passou a recusar.
Eu fui capaz de enxergar que meu meu bate papo cientifico e critico-religioso tirava dela toda excitação, com as bases fundamentadas, porém mal explicadas pelo ritmo frenetico e falta de profundidade criada pela euforia da cafeína, lhe fazia sentir medo.
Ao me sentir assim estranho, tambem ficava ainda mais carente, e quando não havia nada aquelas noites, eu me deprimia mais, temia mais a solidão e então tomava mais café para me manter.
Foi crescendo como uma bola de neve.
Não demorou muito pra perceber ou ser deixado e trocado por outra neste mundo virtual.
E então tudo desabou para mim. Foi um namoro virtual, detrás de personagems virtuais, em um mundo de fantasia, o que fazia parecer simples, mas não percebia antes como meu coração estava emaranhado nestes sentimentos de paixão. Deveria tomar mais cuidado. A mente não sabe dizer a diferença entre imaginação e realidade, no que se trata de sentimentos do coração.

Hoje compreendo a necessidade de controlar a velocidade com que essa bola de energia vital-sexual gira.
Quando mais afastado do sexo, mais afastado da cafeina e do açucar eu devo ficar.
Quanto mais cafeina, mais devo manter um ritimo sexual, para evitar que essa energia se acumule a ponto de ser incomoda para meus amigos.
Se eu parar com cafe, devo tambem parar com sexo, pois deve ser mantida esta roda de energia grande, com emoções de amor e romance, ou acabo me tornando um vivo morto, sem energia pra nada, quase parando em atividade e animo, como uma planta.

O café nestes momentos em que a roda esta pequena, são bem utilzados, porque ele gira aquela roda de energia que não se acumulou demais, fazendo com que os raciocinios sejam ritmicos e faceis de escrever e suaves para transmitir, delicados como uma flor.
Ao ponto que em momentos de abstinencia sexual, a roda gigante de energia acelerada com a cafeína e se torna insuportavel ate mesmo para eu mesmo, me suportar.

A conclusão de que sou especial em um ponto.

Minha enegia vital atinge proporções astronômicas. Devo tomar muito cuidado.
   (Escavadeira Possuida - Motoqueiro Fantasma 2 - O filme)

Friday, May 06, 2016

Sobre a tentativa de 3 meses de largar café natural, quentinho, fresquinho e anti-oxidante.

Há uma deficiencia causada pela cafeína, porque ela me mantém num nível de animo fugaz, e fora deste animo esqueço aquilo que havia me proposto a fazer.
Porém percebí com sua abstenção que, ela é extremamente saudável e que literalmente me mantém vivo e sano.
Sem a cafeína eu me ví frágil, e extremamente sucetivel as mais diversas depressões.
A principio parecia saudavel apesar do imenso desânimo, mas ao inves desta provavel dependencia desaparecer, começou a intensificar de tal forma que todo o prazer e coragem se foi, desapareceu completamente, tudo era mais cinza, eu estava cada vez mais me arrastando, e me afastei de tudo o que gostava de fazer nesta vida.
Ate mesmo os instintos não me davam mais prazer, meus labios brancos, e visão periferica baixa.
O café não é adulterado ou transgênico, não é toxico, artificial ou quimica em sal de enxofre ou cloro oxidado carcinogenico como são praticamente todas alopatias prescritas hoje.
Se eu crei uma personalidade em cima de uma coragem que eu não tiha devido a falta de cafeína, também criei uma coragem que eu não tinha devido a falta de comida, que sem, não é fácil viver por muito tempo.
Porque eu preciso de um nível de estimulante, que não vicie, e que eu possa de tempo em tempo voltar a usar para ter o seu efeito animador, anda que precise parar por uns dias para recobrar o seu efeito inicial.

Vou tentar usar esta força para fazer com que se torne um ritual, e que o momento cafezinho venha seguido de meditação e planejamento como neste momento agora que eu lhe escrevo.

Guilherme francisco das chagas  - 06-05-2016

Ontem pude com uma dose dupla de café extra forte que usei para sarar os últimos momentos de uma febre, que sendo provavel contaminação de H1N1 ou Dengue, e assim recobrar programação em vulcam, abrir os game-engines, voltar a fazer esperimentos, ter mais apetite tanto alimentar quanto sexual.
Pude aproximar dos modelso que faço em blender, mudbox, e dos estudos a respeito dos game engines cry-engine V, e Unreal 4, assim como começar a preparar os estudos de Vulcam para poder entrar mais a fundo na criação de tecnologias que me dão a possibilidade de modificar a cominicação dos proximos jogos que vou criar.
Lembrei das ideias. E percebí que, mesmo não tendo um nivel constante e estavel, eu tenho que fazer uma forte vigilância para saber a duras penas controlar o nível de ingestão de café, e evitar assim maiores problemas.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The electrode 316l is rolled with a saline saturated water solution sulfite Paper and with another one covered with aluminum, taling precautions so that The outer layer dont touch The inner wire electrode.
Made into 4 centimeters strips around. Set hho joe cell (any stage) or hho generator working on distilled water. Now cut His negative pole cable to feed the positive in central electrode,
and negative on outer rolled saturated sulfite with aluminum.
of made correct. A plasma ball begins to grow as the device heats up.
The color chance on surda e of aluminum is visible.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Alchemy and Keshe's Revolucionary Scientific Knowledge.

It's clear, just clear, clear as water from the spring.
In 2 processes, being the evaporation up to 9 times of urine, and the egg terrarium with evaporation rain in seasons of dryness and wetness to complete the red cristal.

Actual alchemy is so simple, but impressive.

Let me talk first what I came to register here in public with many riscs related to the very hidden secret of the secret stone of all ages.

When I let the cooper under water in contact with a pencil made of true grafite, the oil can be seen on its surface.
That oil come back as cooper oxide as soon it came out of water surface.
It was in metalic state until them. Just like vitamin, the oxidation is so fast that its surface gets oxidated as soon we take the plastic.
Beware of the riscs this is poison. Its cooper oxide.
I know that the process to destroy the cooper oxide that is used as pesticide is to mix vinegar and salt and dive the vegetables inside the water.
The metalic oxide reduce back and float into the surface.
You take out the water and is done, not before A VERY carefull wash in your vegetables.

That water contains metal.

If we evaporate that water where it forms a tiny oily surface (it happens in urine also) the metalic surface sticks to the surface of the vessel as a tiny metalic layer, and as long they are closed from too many air contact, and there is a tiny vapour of vinevar and salt under these, this vessel will get a thin layer of metallic surface.

And what's next?

The Mr Keshe have a process to create superconductive materials by the vapour of something simple..
The first materials:
The ashes plants, or the ashes of cow or pig bones is enough.
The cristas that form upon water plus ashes evaporation is known acessible alcaline acid.
The risks involved in created ones are less than buying, and they can be purified enough to be much more effective than laboratorial grade, It depends on each alchemist dedication.

Those cristals is now placed in that closed wessel with constant acid evaporation where that thin layer of metal was made.
The twin metal layer in contact with that alcaline cristals where made will generate superconductive layer known today by the best academyes as nanocarbon. Yes. Is that today, worth more than gold.

That vessel now is potencially a battery.
For activation, you need another  slow evaporation of ordinary battery surface know as Ordinary Zinc!
After the layer of zink stick to the surface of the egg vessel as the water evaporates leaving its surface right above the nano-carbon layer. will become a very white mass this time.
Yes know as "Gans of Carbon", a white mass composed of mainly carbon.
Told to me by the only not secret, not occult true scientific researchers I know.

This is also know as the white stage of the filosofer's stone.

Is the colors take place in the process added silver powder, in the process of drying and wet with very low 43 degree celsius temperature.
The mass is big. The mass will become more and more dense in this environment.
The colors will show its transmutation. I have not done yet. True alchemists will tell.

The condensation of subtle matter:

After the solid, the liquid, we have aerial matter, we come to hidrogen and?

If nature can freeze hidrogem (like stones) , why we cannot freeze plasma?
We can.

This is about the Gans. So be sure is not a mistaken word.  This is a new scientific term created by the spaceship institute.

Gans is plasma, frozem but how much more plasma we can set into matter?

Let the seconf phase of the filosofer's stone tell the truth.
There is only one word in this hidden scientific treasures beside "Mr Keshe" and "Gans" nanocarbon.
Is the "Book of Aquarius"


Monday, June 01, 2015

Did I told I saw project Aspartame, I Say, Microsoft's Project Spartan years ago?

No I did not, I have the Idea and is recorded, just some time but...
Right after the Galaxy note 2 was released.
Now microsoft have the project Spartan. What else I will read?
But believe me, emotional pressure, and many ways to extract won't work because the Idea will fall on inspired minds like a comet.
We know how be inspired, but we must be well, and generally is absurd Ideas for the time.

Actually...Shugo Chara is REAL!!!

Live tiles Live!

I have to tell, many Ideas I see beforehand, I could use them.
The transparent desktop, is being used in windows phone 8.1 and windowws 10 now.
I'm very proud to see that Idea in the dark age of windows 8 that was forcing its technology on users.
The enterprise must fall, to feel its rise.
 I don't know if he likes to be called like this but.
Maybe Microsoft's Balmer was a necessary evil.

If you had one Idea, I know much time before you publish the startup.
But the brilliant Idea must be really shiny. Its absurd how many times it happened.
But the fantastic is that it can happen other way around, because the mind surround us like a non linear connection between brilliant minds, and minds that have that read-ability.

We have many knowledge there.
Maybe who can read minds, can understand what I say.
Maybe many people have much more resources for doing what they dream.
But each one comes with some different characteristics, and thanks god we don't have only one good game or shoes, because even if shoes, and games, are already brilliant Ideas, no one is locking with copyrights to block the possivility of they born to make both rich .
To lock some Idea in copyright, is to take the salt from market, and make both the creator of the Idea and the one that could copy the Idea without money.


I have many lock here, sorry. But is not patented. I just don't know how to proceed. I must reflect of what I say, is sometimes like a punch in my own face.
I have many locked ideas in my mind.
But they are not locked at all, they run around the world, and fall in some also expanded minds, maybe when I sleep, the Ideas find another one that will make them born into fisic dense world....

Monday, March 02, 2015

Eh... mas na verdade estava com um pequeno problema.
O problema consiste que em eletrólize, quando o alumínio fica como sendo o polo negativo ou positivo, uma quebra em óxidos impede a eletrólize contínua.
A forma correta de se fazer é ter um eletrodo incandescente, ou algo assim. mas incandescência na água não dá...
aí veio a ideia de um anel de metal com dois polos ligado a outro campo de força.
O anel gira lentamente e fica no ponto onde há incandescência, logo antes de entrar em água.
wow. então sempre aumentando porque ele irá criar um oxido em eletrólize que mergulha em incandescência.
Mas ainda a fluicidade de algum meaterial que me falta.
Hoje me coloquei um experimento em atividade.

Aprendí com meu pai, que o mais importante é saber deixar a cola secar, e fazer as coisas com calma e paulatinamente.
Mas o descontrole com experimentos é muito difícil.
Foi quando notei que precisamos ter um controle maior sobre nossos experimentos.

O procedimento base de todos experimentos segue assim:

Fazemos o experimento de longo prazo, e deixamos pronto.
EFT. (Emotion Freedom Technique)

O EFT deve ser repetido até que se esqueça de certa forma o experimento.
Para que se anule por completo quaisquer ansiedade que interfira no decorrer de um experimento.
A expectativa deve ser anulada para que seu efeito possa surgir mesmo que para isso exija-se que seus primeiros efeitos só sejam visíveis alí depois de uma semana.

Isso não impede que se escreva outros. Mas deve ser usado eft para não prejudicar o procedimento de outros que se encontram em andamento.

Principalmente no meu caso em que os experimentos precisam de testes de 1 semana.
Isso é ruim, porque os experimentos deveriam poder ser feitos em paralelo. Mas devido a falta de recursos e as ideias que surgem expontaneamente, é necessário antes de tudo, deixar que um experimento corra no seu tempo antes de tentar aplicar outro.

Este experimento que faço agora é confidencial, mas é basicamente a utilização da eletrólize de gás.

Portanto é algo que se deve deixar por longo prazo.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Quando vemos um cientista estalando os dedos, logo identificamos suas se moverem mãos e o som que produz.
O som tem um tempo de vida visivel efêmero: - logo desaparece.
O movimento que dispara os dedos contra a palma da mão só existiu enquanto se movimentava as mãos até terminarem produzindo o som, e então foram todos levados ao sutil, invisível, intocável.As mãos já não se movem, e o som não se ouve mais. Foi dado a palma, e todas suas consequências estao sendo, ou foram trazidas ao passado.

Mas não é só isso. Esta é a visão científica limitada de hoje leva o mundo ao caos, pensam que tudo começa no cérebro físico com uma sinopse mental surgida de um looping estúpido de um papagaio que repete o que viu, e termina nos dedos com um som. Um som surgido "por acaso".
Porém para aquele que está presente, esta palmada foi uma criação.
Uma idéia surgida de ums ser completo.

E não cemeçou no físico, nem no dedo!

Começou com uma idéia. A idéia surge e logo submerge no passado! A medida em que a idéia vem surgindo no plano fisico, ela também submerge no mesmo passado em que vai desaparecer a imagem, o som que esta idéia irá manifestar esta atitude no nosso plano físico.
A diferença mais crucial, é que uma idéia verdadeira está direcionada de tal forma, que já executa o movimento que o leva a manifestação,executando toda a ação mental, fisica, e movimento muscular que irá por fim produzir um som, que mais uma vez voltará a ser engolida pelas trevas do passado, onde ficará registrando seu reflexo retornando na mente do observador, assim como do criador, mas do qual a atitude original não se repete, só seus filhos, seus reflexos mentais e físicos que voltam a ser engolidos pelo passado.

A idéia para ser perfeita deve estar focada no presente, sem deixar que a sinergia do movimento da idéia se perca antes de manifestar o som, sem nem se deixar que seu retorno ao nada o desencoraje a criar o movimento que criará o som.

Quanto mais perfeitamente o presente, que é o futuro, refletir a uma distancia exata,  a 90 graus tanto da linha do passado, quando da continuação desta linha no futuro, da qual mais uma vez irá se tornar passado, melhor ela será o próprio futuro!

Então compreendam, que de onde estamos é o futuro. E que a única maneira de construí-lo é por as mãos e dar a única coisa que pode mudar o futuro -  o presente que é dar forma, pintar, escrever, educar e construir e amar.

- A única coisa que é nossa, é a forma que pode ser impressa nas formas sucetíveis ou fluidas do presente, ou nos ouvidos atentos ou  nos brancos da tela ou nas ou mentes que nos confiam e permitem imprimir uma atitude presente nela, e essa é a nossa criação, que é uma pequena fração do que somos e seremos na soma do tempo eterno de nossa manifestação em vida, e as atitudes refletidas tanto no céu como na terra, presentes ou registradas nos dois passados, antes e depois de se tornarem o presente, que é o unico futuro.
As formas deixadas na argila podem curar, cristalizar e formar esculturas que manterão uma bela imagem, ou uma palavra suave de encorajamento, um elogio, que irá enaltecer a eternidade do bem, e deixar mais claro o lapso curto de vida do mal.
Já que tudo é engolido pelas trevas, quando temtamos destruir com ódio, perdemos tempo. Mas o único bem que podemos ficar está em nossas atitudes, tão chocante é a verdade.
Bem é melhor se dar de conhecer a verdade, antes de nos tornarmos passado. Porque a criação e o amor é o elo que nos liga a eternidade.

My Old 9600GT is not worth anymore. The High End Game Cards-Pocked Money Human-Play loosing people to more accessible devices.

Yeah. I say. I have a Nvidia 9600GT. And I can see how the graphics is good, but at some point we need to deactivate some effects, and the graphics is not that good for games that was released more than 5 years ago.
Where Nvidia wants to go?
If you want to have more consumers, you freak them out with high hardcore performance.
-But people is getting tired of this.
Really. I would love to have a SLI to play a games..... but what game?
Today we have few games! You see clear that we have Crisys 3, and GTAV and what more?
Some more. Much forgotten, that hold a much lower percentage of the total market share.
People is spending much more money on low end cell phone games!

People must know that Graphics Card can be thousand times better, but Grafics Companies they are afraid to use such "high risc" technologies, and they can earn much more doing slow upgrades right?
Not really.
People is getting tired of this. I don't have more a Voodoo 2 that live for at least 5 years, but some much more "powerful" grafics cards that live Only for weeks.
Its destroys the mother Market of games! Destroys game development!
 You don´t need to hold technology and release by cents, Needs hold to release a Shocking low price that will stay on market and fits in the customer pockets!

To hold inovation, is to hold another inovation that could come, but was locked ahead of this.

Shut the mouth out  of stupid adminstrators that learned only to copy/paste whatever teacher say to them do  in their whole lifes to earn the milk of their children out of a sure fail enterprise!

Do you really think that we don´t have cheap technology to deliver +120 frames per second grafics with 30 times more definition, resolution, effects, etc...  than today´s games can do?

We have it. But they don´t let you know.

Yeah you that think is CEO of that big graphics card enterprises that knows everything!
Or you hardcore gamer that give thousand dollars for each candy made of cheap sugar.

I say. You know nothing. You learned to get money from  few people that fall into the trick that we have the latest grafics technology full of bla bla bla, or that grafics drugs that you don´t deliver pleasure at once for less than all the money you have earned.

The "petaflops" of such buildings-computers like TITAN can be build AT GARAGE!!!!!!!!!
I say AT GARAGE!!!!!
If they research forgotten technologies and apply into using light-transistor processors!
But those that build that portable pc that is stronger than Titan supercomputers,  is offered thousand of millions dolars for hold the patent ownership. and... The project is archived for years to come. (to never come).
But they eat what they give. Today the shares on pc gaming is almost over.
Not only they made highly inacessible this technologies,  they also keep holding  honeypot until the gamer give up totally the hard money to buy big hardcore computing.
 There is less and less flow of money!
 Money is water, water must flow. Water when stops, evaporates! Or worse, water putrefy.
Some animals like smart phones born out of that putrefied water.

Game development is harder and harder to develop and earn from  big enterprises, and simple tiny games game companies  from tiny enterprise seems less immersive,  but have been much more fun!

Nintendo seems to have give a breath to Videogames with Wii!
That movement convinced microsoft to risk his money on archived "kinect" projects.(we know that the truth be told, that was nothing new or at all)
And now. What we need?

From time to time, game needs a JUMP. Within reach of low money, that mark success of great cars, also great games, is accessible high JUMP Technologies like, Wii Motion or others.

There is limit? NO! its illusion, the limit is always behind us, after we break them, a new limit will always be there!
We need release very high efficient game development environment with very high graphics and also much more cheap technology.

Hold the technology, and kill gamers on wait for something new!
They Give Up this wait. Do you get it? No?

Go back to your work them, try get gamers without great enhancements, or using the same recipe using your multiplying processors in  slow peace. And so my friends will create and silently destroy old graphics and gaming enterprises!

Their owners think will never fall, and that have control to destroy whatever worm borns out there. Its Illusion! You cant control the rapid hate of worms growing in static putrefying water!
Even when holding the honey pot, and hiding technologies, gamers get tired of this, and they go away my friend. They wont be back to you! Maybe is time to bring back that old Voodoo fx.
Now go buy your liquid hidrogen do your to child play!


Method of inverse non solid matter induction to create noiseless fan movement without using solid displacement of air.

The secret would be to use what? What is the most efective form of protection against cold, and yet best refrigerated clotes in the nature? Hair. like that used on animals.

There is no better protection. There can be no better refrigeration if used effectively also.
The case of doing something that is not hard, and can cross to create such effects is hair.
Hair is a form to represent something solid in fine-flexible way to control more subtle matter INTO a solid one.
Solid and flexible the bridge and grebennikov could say something about this..

Sunday, May 19, 2013

About smell, Localized gramar is PAIN IN THE ASS

The smell has conductivity;
This fucking blog don't have any fucking option to fuck change language back to english if you reside for a while in fuck other fuck place FUCK!!!

The smell has conductivity.
The smell could also have insulation.
This makes the possibility that smell has the same characteristics that of elelctricity in some aspects.

With that we can create subtle INVISIBLE GIANT circuits that can work as a board.
The time the smell stay in the air is not that much, but can resist even wind for a while.
So the smell circuit can last a bit.
If we know how to create a magnetic smell, that hold himself together, we can creat smell circuits that let something work.

Keep that up, and fuck the localization that wont let me speak in fucking english (in minuscle and is right damn) in another contry out of english lands.

fuck fukc fuck.


Today is a day where youtube is growing the space of Advertisement.
For today I say as gfcgamer the great gamer.

From this time on people will realize that advertisement is a Pain in the ASS
From this time on people will realize that advertisement is to Give Ass to Rich people.
From this time on people will realize that the best products are those that dont have pain in the ass and have a fair price that reach ever fucking one instead of one or other here and there.

End of my Words.

the great gfcgamer gamer.


Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Windows 8 Needs "Classic Shell" 3th part software to use his advantages

As professional programmer we need Classic Shell in a Operational Sistem.

A bit Absurd, but few desktop (maybe 70%) users will install this together with windows 8

Now I can say Windows 8 is a better OS => was STUPID to force  hide Stat Menu!

thats for now.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Windows 8 Sucks Ubuntu Copy Windows 8 and needs TERMINAL! (PTBR LOGO ABAIXO)

Last day I have tried Ubuntu. then surprise surprise! 

They Hide 3 clicks away the programs in menu!

Ok, so i´ve installed Kubuntu interface above that. 
Well Win 7 like  is ok. The programs was just 2 clicks away, categorized ,  a bit  hidden.

Why they just dont give up on interface again, and let the user navigate trough hundreds of categorized folders  like
 command line  again- is safer isn't, the user is stupid right ?

Well. ok ok.

Lets install java from Sun Microsystems on Ubuntu.

I want NVIDIA.COM  to auto-detect my Gefroce 9600GT.....
Instructions....  Only through Terminal or Command Line Console only? WTF!!! We are in 2013?????

Im Programmer.

 I know that we can create a USER INTERFACE.


Year 2013 yet for 20 years  FREE LINUX  yet need acess TERMINAL  to instal some Drivers.
 WTF!!!!!!  This is the end of the world?

I want a Google OS or a Windows 9  OR Linux X  not their operatinal system but,

like that:

“Hello Operator what you want me to do”  O.S.

“Who the f*ck are you?  password please”  O.S.


gfcgamer , Brasil  

year 2013!!!

Windows 8 é Péssimo,  Ubuntu Copia Windows 8 e precisa de TERMINAL!

Neste ultimo dia, eu instalei UBUNTU, e surpresa surpresa!
Eles Ocultaram os programas depois de 3 clicks no novo menu de programas.
Ok, então eu instalei a interface Kubuntu em cima disso. 
Bem, como Windows 7 está ok. Os programas estão somente depois de 2 clicks , categorizado , um pouco  oculto

Porque eles não desistem da interface de uma vez e deixa o usuário navegar através de centenas de pastas categorizadas como a linha de comando novamente? E mais seguro não é? O usuário é um idiota certo?

Bem. ok ok.

Então vamos instalar  java da  Sun Microsystems no Ubuntu.

Eu quero que NVIDIA.COM  detecte minha Gefroce 9600GT.....
Instruções de instalação....  Apenas através do Terminal ou console de Linha de Comando? 
QUE INFERNO!!! Nós estamos em 2013?????

Eu sou Programador.

 Eu sei que nós podemos criar uma INTERFACE DE USUARIO.


ANO 2013: ainda por  20 anos   LINUX O Sistema Operacional Livre ainda precisa acesssar TERMINAL  para instalar alguns Drivers.
QUE INFERNO!!!!!  Este é o fim do mundo?

Eu quero Google OS ou um Windows 9  ou Linux X 
"Não um  Sistema Operacinal deles, 

"Olá operador, o que voce quer que eu faça”  S.O.

“QUE PORCARIA É VOCE?  senha por favor”  S.O.


gfcgamer , Brasil  

ANO 2013!!!

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Last thoughts

Algumas pessoas tem "sorte no amor" que lhes confere disposição para ter saúde enquanto jovens.
Outras pessoas tem riquesas "sorte no financeiro"quer lhes confere conforto e poder.

Hoje desprezam os preguiçosos, e os gordos, e otakus sem compreender que julgar os outros é tão feio quanto se gabar da grana que conquistou face aos pobres.

Não devemos desprezar os desafortunados, e se nada pode fazer para ajuda-los cuida de da caca que acumula em teus olhos.

Nunca tive a sorte de ter um corpo atlético, mesmo que eu quisesse te-lo,  ao ver como me julgavam pela desfortuna que eu tinha em minha aparêcia, resolví deixar essa aparência para trás para não me ver mesquinho gabando de ter alguma coisa que outros não conseguiram conquistar, como a beleza.

Se a luz acabesse, muitos dos valores distorcidos de hoje poderiam ser mais puros, porque hoje  podemos dizer  pela beleza,  quem tem mais disposição, poder  e influência, mas ainda é muito difícil ver quem tem um coração bom pra merecer isso.

Ao invés de usar esta saude para proteger e ajudar os menos providos de for-tuna, muitos usam isso para se gabar, roubar mulher dos outros, dominar, e tirar dos menos desprovidos.

Eles devem aprender assim que estiverem face ao ciclo da morte, ou até mesmo antes que ela chegue, que boa for-tuna está no coração.


Algumas letras modificadas com hífem "-" para evitar malditas propagandas invasivas

Monday, March 04, 2013

Como as forças da trevas afetam nosso planeta

Eu tenho 5 gatos.
Eu alimento eles sem pensar em como vão me pagar por isso.
Tive que castra-los em veterinário para evitar que muitos gatos sofram por falta de recursos.
Mas não posso ter mais, não tenho como.

Os recursos são limitados, as pessoas hoje são doutrinadas a acreditar que tudo acaba e tudo vai acabar, que tudo é limitado.
Mas não há como impedir que o rio escorra até o mar. ummmm na verdade há - Deflorestamento e desmatamento. Isso sim pode fazer a água parar, pelo corte das árvores.
Vivem dizendo que a água vai acabar por que usamos.

Mas 90% da água é desperdiçada por indústrias, e não pelo povo.

A liberdade total de criar filhos, é algo que não querem perder, mas isso está se tornando um crime.
Ter 10 filhos quando não se tem dinheiro para alimentar 1, e ainda querer ter mais.

O interesse maior de não impor limites é justamente daqueles que tem como controlar e pagar.
Aqueles que são pobres também não querem este limite, mas não tem como controlar nem pagar.

Tudo hoje é limitado, as terras, espaço, estrelas tiradas do mundo,  e dado nome e dono, sempre foram e sempre serão de Teos.
Todos devem respeitar as terras e as florestas que emprestamos de Deus.
Deveriamos evitar tocar as velhas arvores que sempre nos oferençeram tudo e nunca pediram nada.
E não enterrar vivo os rios, nem emtupi-los para cobrar energia dos pobres.

O pior é que aqueles que não conseguem aceitar a vida escrava imposta pelo sistema,  são tidos como bandidos e vagabundos.

O pior ainda, é que muitos vagabundos não sabem seu limite e sempre se aproveitam dos limitados recursos dos que tentam ser bons com eles, forçando eles a serem expelido ás ruas, que antigamente tinha agua sombra e frutas para se viver com certo limitado conforto, e hoje temos desertos de pedra frenético de milhares de suiçidas que se matam pelo dinheiro limitado do trabalho.

Deus, sabemos que as coisas estão difíceis para todos, mas amigos,  se sentir o mundo contra tí, não se rebele, apenas se esconda, chore,  peça apenas para que deus ajude essas pessoas.

Não chore pelo seu próprio sofrimento, isso de pouco importa porque voce é forte e não desistiu de sua bondade, mas por aqueles que sofrem tanto ou mais que voce, nesta idade média de desigualdade social e egoísmo impúne de um mundo que teria suficiente pra todos, mas que fica tudo  para 1%  homens egoistas deste mundo. Fica para ele todos os recursos deste mundo, recursos de que todos precisam.

Sem mais, uma carta aos anjos deste pseudonimo


Thursday, February 28, 2013










Sunday, February 24, 2013

Filling with vacum - creating foam

I think a very fun and utile would be teh ability to creat metalic foan at home.
We could have gas but we need to colapse bubles and take onli the likes that hold the metalic walls.



I did something fun.,
A 316l electrode inside a aluminum foil and left for some 30 days.
The electricity put in water continued until the 316l was completely foam like.

It keep in positive, because the  316l water-aluminum generated a bit of oxide, but curiously the water traped in the paper that hold positive electrode apart from the aluminum foils, kept working and working with some voltage.

It is a cell I can make that last too long.
Now about the Cell:

A cell inside a tube is heated. when he dry the voltage betwen aluminum/ 316 l is shorted.
REALLY shorted.

recipe: Alchemical Reference.
I did achieved two cristals one in front of ther - a yelow and a white.

Aluminum powder. - a safe mesh, we dont want explosions right?
316l Powder.

Put in a egg-vessel the 316l.
Folowing we put the aluminun powder.
Heat the vessel all day to 45 degrees.
Put a bit of water - Sufficient to keep powder up separated from 316l.
The oxide will build up in the time, we have a battery.

Fill with some water just to keep 316l powder away from aluminum powder.
Close the vessel with something while is hot.

Once the reaction and production of oxigen is over by the aluminum oxide, we
put this vessel (must be laboratorial) opened over a high fire.
The aluminum oxide would reduce?
For reduction of Aluminum there must be electrolisis right?
What about that?
What about fine  powder redution?

Understand. We have a battery!
The battery can make anomaly in relation to normal effects.
The battery could create a point of heat, where the droplet falls joining two poles, and creating a heat.
This heat could burn/spark consuming like plasma what is meat to be absorved by matter.
The secret of alchemy is a mistaken old knowledge.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Updated Expansion/Expansion safe toxic permeating gas device.
I think the heat would be grat in that amonia that sits befor oil.
The amonia would evaporate right into the pot and condensates there
if the tiny glass is placed inside water, while the hose is heated up.
Now imagine how much this would work with 10 loops?
I will make a 10 loop experiment later.

In this ilustration the two heats something would happen, I dont know yet.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Pelican Vessel.

Im doing simple Sugar deep Sodium Bicarbonate with nano-iron cromium-molibidenum particles.

As in video below, I was able to see that pulsation matters, even now that I´m learning Walter Russel Science so deep.

Now about the Pelican... something really cached my attention.
When we have build up of gas inside a glass, we see something like that:
The loop above was opened, the way I think it must be. 
I have then put amonium hidroxide inside the tube.
As you see above the amonium hidroxide is inside the tube-loop closing the vessel.
I was never able to have sure about closing, or releasing, but in the case something learned today
The pressure will be really generated under the vessel, pulling up the amonia hidroxide until the amonia subtle gas scape up. but forcing up the liquid.. its really something peculiar.
When the air scapes, the pressure is released and soom the amonia liquid would be again inside the tube, because the water shoot the vessel again.
If we do 2 looops with denser solution, like water in the second loop, the amonia would be traped inside the second loop.
But pay atention that amonia would be trapped but the weight, the loop diametter have importance in the case of another loop, for we dont want to disturb the first great loop..

Many to think, how pulsating the water amonia would be, how this affect matter in breaking and opening the doors of mistery.

Remenber - for the matter comes into loop, the big particles must be mixed with particles 600 times tinyer, like fine powder/colloidal metal.
The heat generated loop is illustrated in this link:

If you understand how the tiny ball lifts up another in matter or chanels, you will understand how make matter activate into safe light all alone in closed vessel.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sugar & Alchemy

I think tha instead of using urine, we could use sugar, taking adcantage of his reduction power, coloidal dissolving properties and crystal of carbon.
electrolisis by redirection in calda cold reveal something.
also remembr how easy is to colloid

Our limits

I love research, but as any researcher I found many limits.
First is budget.
I live helping my parents. I have time, but I ask no money.
Yes. no big money investment in my experiments, because if you fail, your parents will face consequences.
That blame would fall in your head. 
It would be really hard to live within family with this guilty.

What do I have?
I have time.
I have a good computer.
I have plenty of knowledge to build up anything in 3D, also chemistry anomaly and nanotechnology.

But I don't have:
Energy - I'm a bit FAT. most of efforts to create anything fade out before I finish my projects.
Money - Most projects needs money, plenty of money to make something safe that you can live to tell later.

What the Solution?
Work tiny! In chemistry if you work real tiny, explosion in test-tube would be no bother.

I did working HHO devices, based on that, working tiny Vulcan creating tiny diamonds, lava rock, cheap electrolysis and other great discoveries, covered silver in pure gold using known radioactivity in a few putrefying yeast, unleashing discoveries from old alchemists etc.

Yeah. Really. That great.

But most limitations leave me aside any money build-up, and even got afraid of projects because they demand many efforts.

The next big revolution would be a self assemble devices and programs, that is just easy to build or model based on your single modifications.
These programmable solids in 3D with representation and solidification out of monitor.

Ever one of you thought about unification?
Unify a display with chipset? So tiny the chip, how big and thick is the screen!
Well a 3 trillion transistors resolution display would be THAT fantastic.
Really no display today can show a tiny portion of  all transistors on screen.
But what about integration to such extent, that each modification would modify and create - in software something that, when finished is ready to pull out from your monitor as a solid object.... WOW.
Would electroweting a macro scale of something nano-atomic technology in the futrure?
Did you notice that we have "paper like screen" today,when come to dinamic ink paint in Liquivista display?
I really want to have a Liquivista display that you can touch and hod the ink, even while the video is running.
It would be so great! Im looking for that!
Well could this INK work as transistor????
Enough, enough.

well see ya!

Many Ideas blossoming all the time as I read Walter Russel, in his book -The Universal One.
But for the moment