Sunday, May 26, 2019

Expanding Sphere Engine.

The notion of expansion escapes the main thing.
While my cup works with a suction down,

The displacement of water is known to enter into spiral, and naturally the satellite on planets spin as the planet itself expands, some theories keep getting dust by lost dispute based on greed and status for hundred years that seems this improbability seems a religious dogma that even the most wise guys seems blind to the obvious.

(Is no wonder flat theories absurdity got strenght, is because very few can debate without getting emotional and non-sense about their "hurge efforts" of rolled papers to understand exactly what was described on their books, so the roots of knowledge and research are obviously far from pristine, believe me they are very dirty, I will not get into this).

Is so simple that a expanding mecanical sphere forced against the magnetic attraction would displace the rolling sphere or rod around his equator, force against force but very tiny preponderance on expantion, creating a peculiar mechanism that can be solid or magnetic liquid, being very easy to implode by hho implosion back into its previous condensed state, or some capacitor charge triggered that condenses back into its primary position like does the magnetic vibrator when the electric current activate its electrical charge making he come back against the temperate metal that holds the magent away form electromagnet inside.

The linear fashion yet gains the main role while pristine technologies like Morgado Engines are kept in the corner, and electrical propultion and plasma propulsion keep itself beig buried to burn fuel.

Among the sharks they could not eliminate a seemed untrouble genius, and today the cars had the support of the gov in USA.
The buried histories of mass murther to keep petrol in the game seems forgotten to most, but not to the justice. I will not be there to protect the return of those who destroy dreams for the sake of greed.

Fair we see, is not from me that the secrets will be blown away, the puritanism and absurd control will try to reinforce the dark side, this will for sure shoot back, and the piracy seem on software finally easy to avoid, will not be so easy to do the same to avoid people from access replication devices and die in the chaotic cataclism to wash our earth day by day.

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