Yeah. I say. I have a Nvidia 9600GT. And I can see how the graphics is good, but at some point we need to deactivate some effects, and the graphics is not that good for games that was released more than 5 years ago.
Where Nvidia wants to go?
If you want to have more consumers, you freak them out with high hardcore performance.
-But people is getting tired of this.
Really. I would love to have a SLI to play a games..... but what game?
Today we have few games! You see clear that we have Crisys 3, and GTAV and what more?
Some more. Much forgotten, that hold a much lower percentage of the total market share.
People is spending much more money on low end cell phone games!
People must know that Graphics Card can be thousand times better, but Grafics Companies they are afraid to use such "high risc" technologies, and they can earn much more doing slow upgrades right?
Not really.
People is getting tired of this. I don't have more a Voodoo 2 that live for at least 5 years, but some much more "powerful" grafics cards that live Only for weeks.
Its destroys the mother Market of games! Destroys game development!
You don´t need to hold technology and release by cents, Needs hold to release a Shocking low price that will stay on market and fits in the customer pockets!
To hold inovation, is to hold another inovation that could come, but was locked ahead of this.
Shut the mouth out of stupid adminstrators that learned only to copy/paste whatever teacher say to them do in their whole lifes to earn the milk of their children out of a sure fail enterprise!
Do you really think that we don´t have cheap technology to deliver +120 frames per second grafics with 30 times more definition, resolution, effects, etc... than today´s games can do?
We have it. But they don´t let you know.
Yeah you that think is CEO of that big graphics card enterprises that knows everything!
Or you hardcore gamer that give thousand dollars for each candy made of cheap sugar.
I say. You know nothing. You learned to get money from few people that fall into the trick that we have the latest grafics technology full of bla bla bla, or that grafics drugs that you don´t deliver pleasure at once for less than all the money you have earned.
The "petaflops" of such buildings-computers like TITAN can be build AT GARAGE!!!!!!!!!
I say AT GARAGE!!!!!
If they research forgotten technologies and apply into using light-transistor processors!
But those that build that portable pc that is stronger than Titan supercomputers, is offered thousand of millions dolars for hold the patent ownership. and... The project is archived for years to come. (to never come).
But they eat what they give. Today the shares on pc gaming is almost over.
Not only they made highly inacessible this technologies, they also keep holding honeypot until the gamer give up totally the hard money to buy big hardcore computing.
There is less and less flow of money!
Money is water, water must flow. Water when stops, evaporates! Or worse, water putrefy.
Some animals like smart phones born out of that putrefied water.
Game development is harder and harder to develop and earn from big enterprises, and simple tiny games game companies from tiny enterprise seems less immersive, but have been much more fun!
Nintendo seems to have give a breath to Videogames with Wii!
That movement convinced microsoft to risk his money on archived "kinect" projects.(we know that the truth be told, that was nothing new or at all)
And now. What we need?
From time to time, game needs a JUMP. Within reach of low money, that mark success of great cars, also great games, is accessible high JUMP Technologies like, Wii Motion or others.
There is limit? NO! its illusion, the limit is always behind us, after we break them, a new limit will always be there!
We need release very high efficient game development environment with very high graphics and also much more cheap technology.
Hold the technology, and kill gamers on wait for something new!
They Give Up this wait. Do you get it? No?
Go back to your work them, try get gamers without great enhancements, or using the same recipe using your multiplying processors in slow peace. And so my friends will create and silently destroy old graphics and gaming enterprises!
Their owners think will never fall, and that have control to destroy whatever worm borns out there. Its Illusion! You cant control the rapid hate of worms growing in static putrefying water!
Even when holding the honey pot, and hiding technologies, gamers get tired of this, and they go away my friend. They wont be back to you! Maybe is time to bring back that old Voodoo fx.
Now go buy your liquid hidrogen do your to child play!
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