Quando vemos um cientista estalando os dedos, logo identificamos suas se moverem mãos e o som que produz.
O som tem um tempo de vida visivel efêmero: - logo desaparece.
O movimento que dispara os dedos contra a palma da mão só existiu enquanto se movimentava as mãos até terminarem produzindo o som, e então foram todos levados ao sutil, invisível, intocável.As mãos já não se movem, e o som não se ouve mais. Foi dado a palma, e todas suas consequências estao sendo, ou foram trazidas ao passado.
Mas não é só isso. Esta é a visão científica limitada de hoje leva o mundo ao caos, pensam que tudo começa no cérebro físico com uma sinopse mental surgida de um looping estúpido de um papagaio que repete o que viu, e termina nos dedos com um som. Um som surgido "por acaso".
Porém para aquele que está presente, esta palmada foi uma criação.
Uma idéia surgida de ums ser completo.
E não cemeçou no físico, nem no dedo!
Começou com uma idéia. A idéia surge e logo submerge no passado! A medida em que a idéia vem surgindo no plano fisico, ela também submerge no mesmo passado em que vai desaparecer a imagem, o som que esta idéia irá manifestar esta atitude no nosso plano físico.
A diferença mais crucial, é que uma idéia verdadeira está direcionada de tal forma, que já executa o movimento que o leva a manifestação,executando toda a ação mental, fisica, e movimento muscular que irá por fim produzir um som, que mais uma vez voltará a ser engolida pelas trevas do passado, onde ficará registrando seu reflexo retornando na mente do observador, assim como do criador, mas do qual a atitude original não se repete, só seus filhos, seus reflexos mentais e físicos que voltam a ser engolidos pelo passado.
A idéia para ser perfeita deve estar focada no presente, sem deixar que a sinergia do movimento da idéia se perca antes de manifestar o som, sem nem se deixar que seu retorno ao nada o desencoraje a criar o movimento que criará o som.
Quanto mais perfeitamente o presente, que é o futuro, refletir a uma distancia exata, a 90 graus tanto da linha do passado, quando da continuação desta linha no futuro, da qual mais uma vez irá se tornar passado, melhor ela será o próprio futuro!
Então compreendam, que de onde estamos é o futuro. E que a única maneira de construí-lo é por as mãos e dar a única coisa que pode mudar o futuro - o presente que é dar forma, pintar, escrever, educar e construir e amar.
- A única coisa que é nossa, é a forma que pode ser impressa nas formas sucetíveis ou fluidas do presente, ou nos ouvidos atentos ou nos brancos da tela ou nas ou mentes que nos confiam e permitem imprimir uma atitude presente nela, e essa é a nossa criação, que é uma pequena fração do que somos e seremos na soma do tempo eterno de nossa manifestação em vida, e as atitudes refletidas tanto no céu como na terra, presentes ou registradas nos dois passados, antes e depois de se tornarem o presente, que é o unico futuro.
As formas deixadas na argila podem curar, cristalizar e formar esculturas que manterão uma bela imagem, ou uma palavra suave de encorajamento, um elogio, que irá enaltecer a eternidade do bem, e deixar mais claro o lapso curto de vida do mal.
Já que tudo é engolido pelas trevas, quando temtamos destruir com ódio, perdemos tempo. Mas o único bem que podemos ficar está em nossas atitudes, tão chocante é a verdade.
Bem é melhor se dar de conhecer a verdade, antes de nos tornarmos passado. Porque a criação e o amor é o elo que nos liga a eternidade.
A international diary of research over extraordinary non academic cience of public expontaneous net research.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
My Old 9600GT is not worth anymore. The High End Game Cards-Pocked Money Human-Play loosing people to more accessible devices.
Yeah. I say. I have a Nvidia 9600GT. And I can see how the graphics is good, but at some point we need to deactivate some effects, and the graphics is not that good for games that was released more than 5 years ago.
Where Nvidia wants to go?
If you want to have more consumers, you freak them out with high hardcore performance.
-But people is getting tired of this.
Really. I would love to have a SLI to play a games..... but what game?
Today we have few games! You see clear that we have Crisys 3, and GTAV and what more?
Some more. Much forgotten, that hold a much lower percentage of the total market share.
People is spending much more money on low end cell phone games!
People must know that Graphics Card can be thousand times better, but Grafics Companies they are afraid to use such "high risc" technologies, and they can earn much more doing slow upgrades right?
Not really.
People is getting tired of this. I don't have more a Voodoo 2 that live for at least 5 years, but some much more "powerful" grafics cards that live Only for weeks.
Its destroys the mother Market of games! Destroys game development!
You don´t need to hold technology and release by cents, Needs hold to release a Shocking low price that will stay on market and fits in the customer pockets!
To hold inovation, is to hold another inovation that could come, but was locked ahead of this.
Shut the mouth out of stupid adminstrators that learned only to copy/paste whatever teacher say to them do in their whole lifes to earn the milk of their children out of a sure fail enterprise!
Do you really think that we don´t have cheap technology to deliver +120 frames per second grafics with 30 times more definition, resolution, effects, etc... than today´s games can do?
We have it. But they don´t let you know.
Yeah you that think is CEO of that big graphics card enterprises that knows everything!
Or you hardcore gamer that give thousand dollars for each candy made of cheap sugar.
I say. You know nothing. You learned to get money from few people that fall into the trick that we have the latest grafics technology full of bla bla bla, or that grafics drugs that you don´t deliver pleasure at once for less than all the money you have earned.
The "petaflops" of such buildings-computers like TITAN can be build AT GARAGE!!!!!!!!!
I say AT GARAGE!!!!!
If they research forgotten technologies and apply into using light-transistor processors!
But those that build that portable pc that is stronger than Titan supercomputers, is offered thousand of millions dolars for hold the patent ownership. and... The project is archived for years to come. (to never come).
But they eat what they give. Today the shares on pc gaming is almost over.
Not only they made highly inacessible this technologies, they also keep holding honeypot until the gamer give up totally the hard money to buy big hardcore computing.
There is less and less flow of money!
Money is water, water must flow. Water when stops, evaporates! Or worse, water putrefy.
Some animals like smart phones born out of that putrefied water.
Game development is harder and harder to develop and earn from big enterprises, and simple tiny games game companies from tiny enterprise seems less immersive, but have been much more fun!
Nintendo seems to have give a breath to Videogames with Wii!
That movement convinced microsoft to risk his money on archived "kinect" projects.(we know that the truth be told, that was nothing new or at all)
And now. What we need?
From time to time, game needs a JUMP. Within reach of low money, that mark success of great cars, also great games, is accessible high JUMP Technologies like, Wii Motion or others.
There is limit? NO! its illusion, the limit is always behind us, after we break them, a new limit will always be there!
We need release very high efficient game development environment with very high graphics and also much more cheap technology.
Hold the technology, and kill gamers on wait for something new!
They Give Up this wait. Do you get it? No?
Go back to your work them, try get gamers without great enhancements, or using the same recipe using your multiplying processors in slow peace. And so my friends will create and silently destroy old graphics and gaming enterprises!
Their owners think will never fall, and that have control to destroy whatever worm borns out there. Its Illusion! You cant control the rapid hate of worms growing in static putrefying water!
Even when holding the honey pot, and hiding technologies, gamers get tired of this, and they go away my friend. They wont be back to you! Maybe is time to bring back that old Voodoo fx.
Now go buy your liquid hidrogen do your to child play!
Where Nvidia wants to go?
If you want to have more consumers, you freak them out with high hardcore performance.
-But people is getting tired of this.
Really. I would love to have a SLI to play a games..... but what game?
Today we have few games! You see clear that we have Crisys 3, and GTAV and what more?
Some more. Much forgotten, that hold a much lower percentage of the total market share.
People is spending much more money on low end cell phone games!
People must know that Graphics Card can be thousand times better, but Grafics Companies they are afraid to use such "high risc" technologies, and they can earn much more doing slow upgrades right?
Not really.
People is getting tired of this. I don't have more a Voodoo 2 that live for at least 5 years, but some much more "powerful" grafics cards that live Only for weeks.
Its destroys the mother Market of games! Destroys game development!
You don´t need to hold technology and release by cents, Needs hold to release a Shocking low price that will stay on market and fits in the customer pockets!
To hold inovation, is to hold another inovation that could come, but was locked ahead of this.
Shut the mouth out of stupid adminstrators that learned only to copy/paste whatever teacher say to them do in their whole lifes to earn the milk of their children out of a sure fail enterprise!
Do you really think that we don´t have cheap technology to deliver +120 frames per second grafics with 30 times more definition, resolution, effects, etc... than today´s games can do?
We have it. But they don´t let you know.
Yeah you that think is CEO of that big graphics card enterprises that knows everything!
Or you hardcore gamer that give thousand dollars for each candy made of cheap sugar.
I say. You know nothing. You learned to get money from few people that fall into the trick that we have the latest grafics technology full of bla bla bla, or that grafics drugs that you don´t deliver pleasure at once for less than all the money you have earned.
The "petaflops" of such buildings-computers like TITAN can be build AT GARAGE!!!!!!!!!
I say AT GARAGE!!!!!
If they research forgotten technologies and apply into using light-transistor processors!
But those that build that portable pc that is stronger than Titan supercomputers, is offered thousand of millions dolars for hold the patent ownership. and... The project is archived for years to come. (to never come).
But they eat what they give. Today the shares on pc gaming is almost over.
Not only they made highly inacessible this technologies, they also keep holding honeypot until the gamer give up totally the hard money to buy big hardcore computing.
There is less and less flow of money!
Money is water, water must flow. Water when stops, evaporates! Or worse, water putrefy.
Some animals like smart phones born out of that putrefied water.
Game development is harder and harder to develop and earn from big enterprises, and simple tiny games game companies from tiny enterprise seems less immersive, but have been much more fun!
Nintendo seems to have give a breath to Videogames with Wii!
That movement convinced microsoft to risk his money on archived "kinect" projects.(we know that the truth be told, that was nothing new or at all)
And now. What we need?
From time to time, game needs a JUMP. Within reach of low money, that mark success of great cars, also great games, is accessible high JUMP Technologies like, Wii Motion or others.
There is limit? NO! its illusion, the limit is always behind us, after we break them, a new limit will always be there!
We need release very high efficient game development environment with very high graphics and also much more cheap technology.
Hold the technology, and kill gamers on wait for something new!
They Give Up this wait. Do you get it? No?
Go back to your work them, try get gamers without great enhancements, or using the same recipe using your multiplying processors in slow peace. And so my friends will create and silently destroy old graphics and gaming enterprises!
Their owners think will never fall, and that have control to destroy whatever worm borns out there. Its Illusion! You cant control the rapid hate of worms growing in static putrefying water!
Even when holding the honey pot, and hiding technologies, gamers get tired of this, and they go away my friend. They wont be back to you! Maybe is time to bring back that old Voodoo fx.
Now go buy your liquid hidrogen do your to child play!
Method of inverse non solid matter induction to create noiseless fan movement without using solid displacement of air.
The secret would be to use what? What is the most efective form of protection against cold, and yet best refrigerated clotes in the nature? Hair. like that used on animals.
There is no better protection. There can be no better refrigeration if used effectively also.
The case of doing something that is not hard, and can cross to create such effects is hair.
Hair is a form to represent something solid in fine-flexible way to control more subtle matter INTO a solid one.
Solid and flexible the bridge and grebennikov could say something about this..
The secret would be to use what? What is the most efective form of protection against cold, and yet best refrigerated clotes in the nature? Hair. like that used on animals.
There is no better protection. There can be no better refrigeration if used effectively also.
The case of doing something that is not hard, and can cross to create such effects is hair.
Hair is a form to represent something solid in fine-flexible way to control more subtle matter INTO a solid one.
Solid and flexible the bridge and grebennikov could say something about this..
Sunday, May 19, 2013
About smell, Localized gramar is PAIN IN THE ASS
The smell has conductivity;
This fucking blog don't have any fucking option to fuck change language back to english if you reside for a while in fuck other fuck place FUCK!!!
The smell has conductivity.
The smell could also have insulation.
This makes the possibility that smell has the same characteristics that of elelctricity in some aspects.
With that we can create subtle INVISIBLE GIANT circuits that can work as a board.
The time the smell stay in the air is not that much, but can resist even wind for a while.
So the smell circuit can last a bit.
If we know how to create a magnetic smell, that hold himself together, we can creat smell circuits that let something work.
Keep that up, and fuck the localization that wont let me speak in fucking english (in minuscle and is right damn) in another contry out of english lands.
fuck fukc fuck.
This fucking blog don't have any fucking option to fuck change language back to english if you reside for a while in fuck other fuck place FUCK!!!
The smell has conductivity.
The smell could also have insulation.
This makes the possibility that smell has the same characteristics that of elelctricity in some aspects.
With that we can create subtle INVISIBLE GIANT circuits that can work as a board.
The time the smell stay in the air is not that much, but can resist even wind for a while.
So the smell circuit can last a bit.
If we know how to create a magnetic smell, that hold himself together, we can creat smell circuits that let something work.
Keep that up, and fuck the localization that wont let me speak in fucking english (in minuscle and is right damn) in another contry out of english lands.
fuck fukc fuck.
Today is a day where youtube is growing the space of Advertisement.
For today I say as gfcgamer the great gamer.
From this time on people will realize that advertisement is a Pain in the ASS
From this time on people will realize that advertisement is to Give Ass to Rich people.
From this time on people will realize that the best products are those that dont have pain in the ass and have a fair price that reach ever fucking one instead of one or other here and there.
End of my Words.
the great gfcgamer gamer.
For today I say as gfcgamer the great gamer.
From this time on people will realize that advertisement is a Pain in the ASS
From this time on people will realize that advertisement is to Give Ass to Rich people.
From this time on people will realize that the best products are those that dont have pain in the ass and have a fair price that reach ever fucking one instead of one or other here and there.
End of my Words.
the great gfcgamer gamer.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Windows 8 Needs "Classic Shell" 3th part software to use his advantages
As professional programmer we need Classic Shell in a Operational Sistem.
A bit Absurd, but few desktop (maybe 70%) users will install this together with windows 8
Now I can say Windows 8 is a better OS => was STUPID to force hide Stat Menu!
thats for now.
A bit Absurd, but few desktop (maybe 70%) users will install this together with windows 8
Now I can say Windows 8 is a better OS => was STUPID to force hide Stat Menu!
thats for now.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Windows 8 Sucks Ubuntu Copy Windows 8 and needs TERMINAL! (PTBR LOGO ABAIXO)
Last day I have tried Ubuntu. then surprise surprise!
They Hide 3 clicks away the programs in menu!
Ok, so i´ve installed Kubuntu interface above that.
Well Win 7 like is ok. The programs was just 2 clicks away, categorized , a bit hidden.
Why they just dont give up on interface again, and let the user navigate trough hundreds of categorized folders like command line again- is safer isn't, the user is stupid right ?
Well. ok ok.
Lets install java from Sun Microsystems on Ubuntu.
I want NVIDIA.COM to auto-detect my Gefroce 9600GT.....
Instructions.... Only through Terminal or Command Line Console only? WTF!!! We are in 2013?????
Im Programmer.
I know that we can create a USER INTERFACE.
Year 2013 yet for 20 years FREE LINUX yet need acess TERMINAL to instal some Drivers.
WTF!!!!!! This is the end of the world?
I want a Google OS or a Windows 9 OR Linux X not their operatinal system but,
like that:
“Hello Operator what you want me to do” O.S.
“Who the f*ck are you? password please” O.S.
gfcgamer , Brasil
year 2013!!!
They Hide 3 clicks away the programs in menu!
Ok, so i´ve installed Kubuntu interface above that.
Well Win 7 like is ok. The programs was just 2 clicks away, categorized , a bit hidden.
Why they just dont give up on interface again, and let the user navigate trough hundreds of categorized folders like command line again- is safer isn't, the user is stupid right ?
Well. ok ok.
Lets install java from Sun Microsystems on Ubuntu.
I want NVIDIA.COM to auto-detect my Gefroce 9600GT.....
Instructions.... Only through Terminal or Command Line Console only? WTF!!! We are in 2013?????
Im Programmer.
I know that we can create a USER INTERFACE.
Year 2013 yet for 20 years FREE LINUX yet need acess TERMINAL to instal some Drivers.
WTF!!!!!! This is the end of the world?
I want a Google OS or a Windows 9 OR Linux X not their operatinal system but,
like that:
“Hello Operator what you want me to do” O.S.
“Who the f*ck are you? password please” O.S.
gfcgamer , Brasil
year 2013!!!
Windows 8 é Péssimo, Ubuntu Copia Windows 8 e precisa de TERMINAL!
Neste ultimo dia, eu instalei UBUNTU, e surpresa surpresa!
Eles Ocultaram os programas depois de 3 clicks no novo menu de programas.
Ok, então eu instalei a interface Kubuntu em cima disso.
Bem, como Windows 7 está ok. Os programas estão somente depois de 2 clicks , categorizado , um pouco oculto
Porque eles não desistem da interface de uma vez e deixa o usuário navegar através de centenas de pastas categorizadas como a linha de comando novamente? E mais seguro não é? O usuário é um idiota certo?
Bem. ok ok.
Então vamos instalar java da Sun Microsystems no Ubuntu.
Eu quero que NVIDIA.COM detecte minha Gefroce 9600GT.....
Instruções de instalação.... Apenas através do Terminal ou console de Linha de Comando?
Ok, então eu instalei a interface Kubuntu em cima disso.
Bem, como Windows 7 está ok. Os programas estão somente depois de 2 clicks , categorizado , um pouco oculto
Porque eles não desistem da interface de uma vez e deixa o usuário navegar através de centenas de pastas categorizadas como a linha de comando novamente? E mais seguro não é? O usuário é um idiota certo?
Bem. ok ok.
Então vamos instalar java da Sun Microsystems no Ubuntu.
Eu quero que NVIDIA.COM detecte minha Gefroce 9600GT.....
Instruções de instalação.... Apenas através do Terminal ou console de Linha de Comando?
QUE INFERNO!!! Nós estamos em 2013?????
Eu sou Programador.
Eu sei que nós podemos criar uma INTERFACE DE USUARIO.
ANO 2013: ainda por 20 anos LINUX O Sistema Operacional Livre ainda precisa acesssar TERMINAL para instalar alguns Drivers.
Eu sou Programador.
Eu sei que nós podemos criar uma INTERFACE DE USUARIO.
ANO 2013: ainda por 20 anos LINUX O Sistema Operacional Livre ainda precisa acesssar TERMINAL para instalar alguns Drivers.
QUE INFERNO!!!!! Este é o fim do mundo?
Eu quero Google OS ou um Windows 9 ou Linux X "Não um Sistema Operacinal deles,
"Olá operador, o que voce quer que eu faça” S.O.
“QUE PORCARIA É VOCE? senha por favor” S.O.
gfcgamer , Brasil
ANO 2013!!!
Eu quero Google OS ou um Windows 9 ou Linux X "Não um Sistema Operacinal deles,
"Olá operador, o que voce quer que eu faça” S.O.
“QUE PORCARIA É VOCE? senha por favor” S.O.
gfcgamer , Brasil
ANO 2013!!!
Thursday, March 07, 2013
Last thoughts
Algumas pessoas tem "sorte no amor" que lhes confere disposição para ter saúde enquanto jovens.
Outras pessoas tem riquesas "sorte no financeiro"quer lhes confere conforto e poder.
Hoje desprezam os preguiçosos, e os gordos, e otakus sem compreender que julgar os outros é tão feio quanto se gabar da grana que conquistou face aos pobres.
Não devemos desprezar os desafortunados, e se nada pode fazer para ajuda-los cuida de da caca que acumula em teus olhos.
Nunca tive a sorte de ter um corpo atlético, mesmo que eu quisesse te-lo, ao ver como me julgavam pela desfortuna que eu tinha em minha aparêcia, resolví deixar essa aparência para trás para não me ver mesquinho gabando de ter alguma coisa que outros não conseguiram conquistar, como a beleza.
Se a luz acabesse, muitos dos valores distorcidos de hoje poderiam ser mais puros, porque hoje podemos dizer pela beleza, quem tem mais disposição, poder e influência, mas ainda é muito difícil ver quem tem um coração bom pra merecer isso.
Ao invés de usar esta saude para proteger e ajudar os menos providos de for-tuna, muitos usam isso para se gabar, roubar mulher dos outros, dominar, e tirar dos menos desprovidos.
Eles devem aprender assim que estiverem face ao ciclo da morte, ou até mesmo antes que ela chegue, que boa for-tuna está no coração.
Algumas letras modificadas com hífem "-" para evitar malditas propagandas invasivas
Outras pessoas tem riquesas "sorte no financeiro"quer lhes confere conforto e poder.
Hoje desprezam os preguiçosos, e os gordos, e otakus sem compreender que julgar os outros é tão feio quanto se gabar da grana que conquistou face aos pobres.
Não devemos desprezar os desafortunados, e se nada pode fazer para ajuda-los cuida de da caca que acumula em teus olhos.
Nunca tive a sorte de ter um corpo atlético, mesmo que eu quisesse te-lo, ao ver como me julgavam pela desfortuna que eu tinha em minha aparêcia, resolví deixar essa aparência para trás para não me ver mesquinho gabando de ter alguma coisa que outros não conseguiram conquistar, como a beleza.
Se a luz acabesse, muitos dos valores distorcidos de hoje poderiam ser mais puros, porque hoje podemos dizer pela beleza, quem tem mais disposição, poder e influência, mas ainda é muito difícil ver quem tem um coração bom pra merecer isso.
Ao invés de usar esta saude para proteger e ajudar os menos providos de for-tuna, muitos usam isso para se gabar, roubar mulher dos outros, dominar, e tirar dos menos desprovidos.
Eles devem aprender assim que estiverem face ao ciclo da morte, ou até mesmo antes que ela chegue, que boa for-tuna está no coração.
Monday, March 04, 2013
Como as forças da trevas afetam nosso planeta
Eu tenho 5 gatos.
Eu alimento eles sem pensar em como vão me pagar por isso.
Tive que castra-los em veterinário para evitar que muitos gatos sofram por falta de recursos.
Mas não posso ter mais, não tenho como.
Os recursos são limitados, as pessoas hoje são doutrinadas a acreditar que tudo acaba e tudo vai acabar, que tudo é limitado.
Mas não há como impedir que o rio escorra até o mar. ummmm na verdade há - Deflorestamento e desmatamento. Isso sim pode fazer a água parar, pelo corte das árvores.
Vivem dizendo que a água vai acabar por que usamos.
Mas 90% da água é desperdiçada por indústrias, e não pelo povo.
A liberdade total de criar filhos, é algo que não querem perder, mas isso está se tornando um crime.
Ter 10 filhos quando não se tem dinheiro para alimentar 1, e ainda querer ter mais.
O interesse maior de não impor limites é justamente daqueles que tem como controlar e pagar.
Aqueles que são pobres também não querem este limite, mas não tem como controlar nem pagar.
Tudo hoje é limitado, as terras, espaço, estrelas tiradas do mundo, e dado nome e dono, sempre foram e sempre serão de Teos.
Todos devem respeitar as terras e as florestas que emprestamos de Deus.
Deveriamos evitar tocar as velhas arvores que sempre nos oferençeram tudo e nunca pediram nada.
E não enterrar vivo os rios, nem emtupi-los para cobrar energia dos pobres.
O pior é que aqueles que não conseguem aceitar a vida escrava imposta pelo sistema, são tidos como bandidos e vagabundos.
O pior ainda, é que muitos vagabundos não sabem seu limite e sempre se aproveitam dos limitados recursos dos que tentam ser bons com eles, forçando eles a serem expelido ás ruas, que antigamente tinha agua sombra e frutas para se viver com certo limitado conforto, e hoje temos desertos de pedra frenético de milhares de suiçidas que se matam pelo dinheiro limitado do trabalho.
Deus, sabemos que as coisas estão difíceis para todos, mas amigos, se sentir o mundo contra tí, não se rebele, apenas se esconda, chore, peça apenas para que deus ajude essas pessoas.
Não chore pelo seu próprio sofrimento, isso de pouco importa porque voce é forte e não desistiu de sua bondade, mas por aqueles que sofrem tanto ou mais que voce, nesta idade média de desigualdade social e egoísmo impúne de um mundo que teria suficiente pra todos, mas que fica tudo para 1% homens egoistas deste mundo. Fica para ele todos os recursos deste mundo, recursos de que todos precisam.
Sem mais, uma carta aos anjos deste pseudonimo
Eu alimento eles sem pensar em como vão me pagar por isso.
Tive que castra-los em veterinário para evitar que muitos gatos sofram por falta de recursos.
Mas não posso ter mais, não tenho como.
Os recursos são limitados, as pessoas hoje são doutrinadas a acreditar que tudo acaba e tudo vai acabar, que tudo é limitado.
Mas não há como impedir que o rio escorra até o mar. ummmm na verdade há - Deflorestamento e desmatamento. Isso sim pode fazer a água parar, pelo corte das árvores.
Vivem dizendo que a água vai acabar por que usamos.
Mas 90% da água é desperdiçada por indústrias, e não pelo povo.
A liberdade total de criar filhos, é algo que não querem perder, mas isso está se tornando um crime.
Ter 10 filhos quando não se tem dinheiro para alimentar 1, e ainda querer ter mais.
O interesse maior de não impor limites é justamente daqueles que tem como controlar e pagar.
Aqueles que são pobres também não querem este limite, mas não tem como controlar nem pagar.
Tudo hoje é limitado, as terras, espaço, estrelas tiradas do mundo, e dado nome e dono, sempre foram e sempre serão de Teos.
Todos devem respeitar as terras e as florestas que emprestamos de Deus.
Deveriamos evitar tocar as velhas arvores que sempre nos oferençeram tudo e nunca pediram nada.
E não enterrar vivo os rios, nem emtupi-los para cobrar energia dos pobres.
O pior é que aqueles que não conseguem aceitar a vida escrava imposta pelo sistema, são tidos como bandidos e vagabundos.
O pior ainda, é que muitos vagabundos não sabem seu limite e sempre se aproveitam dos limitados recursos dos que tentam ser bons com eles, forçando eles a serem expelido ás ruas, que antigamente tinha agua sombra e frutas para se viver com certo limitado conforto, e hoje temos desertos de pedra frenético de milhares de suiçidas que se matam pelo dinheiro limitado do trabalho.
Deus, sabemos que as coisas estão difíceis para todos, mas amigos, se sentir o mundo contra tí, não se rebele, apenas se esconda, chore, peça apenas para que deus ajude essas pessoas.
Não chore pelo seu próprio sofrimento, isso de pouco importa porque voce é forte e não desistiu de sua bondade, mas por aqueles que sofrem tanto ou mais que voce, nesta idade média de desigualdade social e egoísmo impúne de um mundo que teria suficiente pra todos, mas que fica tudo para 1% homens egoistas deste mundo. Fica para ele todos os recursos deste mundo, recursos de que todos precisam.
Sem mais, uma carta aos anjos deste pseudonimo
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Filling with vacum - creating foam
I think a very fun and utile would be teh ability to creat metalic foan at home.
We could have gas but we need to colapse bubles and take onli the likes that hold the metalic walls.
I did something fun.,
A 316l electrode inside a aluminum foil and left for some 30 days.
The electricity put in water continued until the 316l was completely foam like.
It keep in positive, because the 316l water-aluminum generated a bit of oxide, but curiously the water traped in the paper that hold positive electrode apart from the aluminum foils, kept working and working with some voltage.
It is a cell I can make that last too long.
Now about the Cell:
A cell inside a tube is heated. when he dry the voltage betwen aluminum/ 316 l is shorted.
REALLY shorted.
recipe: Alchemical Reference.
I did achieved two cristals one in front of ther - a yelow and a white.
Aluminum powder. - a safe mesh, we dont want explosions right?
316l Powder.
Put in a egg-vessel the 316l.
Folowing we put the aluminun powder.
Heat the vessel all day to 45 degrees.
Put a bit of water - Sufficient to keep powder up separated from 316l.
The oxide will build up in the time, we have a battery.
Fill with some water just to keep 316l powder away from aluminum powder.
Close the vessel with something while is hot.
Once the reaction and production of oxigen is over by the aluminum oxide, we
put this vessel (must be laboratorial) opened over a high fire.
The aluminum oxide would reduce?
For reduction of Aluminum there must be electrolisis right?
What about that?
What about fine powder redution?
Understand. We have a battery!
The battery can make anomaly in relation to normal effects.
The battery could create a point of heat, where the droplet falls joining two poles, and creating a heat.
This heat could burn/spark consuming like plasma what is meat to be absorved by matter.
The secret of alchemy is a mistaken old knowledge.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Updated Expansion/Expansion safe toxic permeating gas device.
I think the heat would be grat in that amonia that sits befor oil.
The amonia would evaporate right into the pot and condensates there
if the tiny glass is placed inside water, while the hose is heated up.
Now imagine how much this would work with 10 loops?
I will make a 10 loop experiment later.

In this ilustration the two heats something would happen, I dont know yet.
I think the heat would be grat in that amonia that sits befor oil.
The amonia would evaporate right into the pot and condensates there
if the tiny glass is placed inside water, while the hose is heated up.
Now imagine how much this would work with 10 loops?
I will make a 10 loop experiment later.
In this ilustration the two heats something would happen, I dont know yet.
Monday, February 18, 2013
The Pelican Vessel.
Im doing simple Sugar deep Sodium Bicarbonate with nano-iron cromium-molibidenum particles.
As in video below, I was able to see that pulsation matters, even now that I´m learning Walter Russel Science so deep.
As in video below, I was able to see that pulsation matters, even now that I´m learning Walter Russel Science so deep.
Now about the Pelican... something really cached my attention.
When we have build up of gas inside a glass, we see something like that:
The loop above was opened, the way I think it must be.
I have then put amonium hidroxide inside the tube.
As you see above the amonium hidroxide is inside the tube-loop closing the vessel.
I was never able to have sure about closing, or releasing, but in the case something learned today
The pressure will be really generated under the vessel, pulling up the amonia hidroxide until the amonia subtle gas scape up. but forcing up the liquid.. its really something peculiar.
When the air scapes, the pressure is released and soom the amonia liquid would be again inside the tube, because the water shoot the vessel again.
If we do 2 looops with denser solution, like water in the second loop, the amonia would be traped inside the second loop.
But pay atention that amonia would be trapped but the weight, the loop diametter have importance in the case of another loop, for we dont want to disturb the first great loop..
Many to think, how pulsating the water amonia would be, how this affect matter in breaking and opening the doors of mistery.
Remenber - for the matter comes into loop, the big particles must be mixed with particles 600 times tinyer, like fine powder/colloidal metal.
The heat generated loop is illustrated in this link:
If you understand how the tiny ball lifts up another in matter or chanels, you will understand how make matter activate into safe light all alone in closed vessel.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Sugar & Alchemy
I think tha instead of using urine, we could use sugar, taking adcantage of his reduction power, coloidal dissolving properties and crystal of carbon.
electrolisis by redirection in calda cold reveal something.
also remembr how easy is to colloid
electrolisis by redirection in calda cold reveal something.
also remembr how easy is to colloid
Our limits
I love research, but as any researcher I found many limits.
First is budget.
I live helping my parents. I have time, but I ask no money.
Yes. no big money investment in my experiments, because if you fail, your parents will face consequences.
That blame would fall in your head.
It would be really hard to live within family with this guilty.
What do I have?
I have time.
I have a good computer.
I have plenty of knowledge to build up anything in 3D, also chemistry anomaly and nanotechnology.
But I don't have:
Energy - I'm a bit FAT. most of efforts to create anything fade out before I finish my projects.
Money - Most projects needs money, plenty of money to make something safe that you can live to tell later.
What the Solution?
Work tiny! In chemistry if you work real tiny, explosion in test-tube would be no bother.
I did working HHO devices, based on that, working tiny Vulcan creating tiny diamonds, lava rock, cheap electrolysis and other great discoveries, covered silver in pure gold using known radioactivity in a few putrefying yeast, unleashing discoveries from old alchemists etc.
Yeah. Really. That great.
But most limitations leave me aside any money build-up, and even got afraid of projects because they demand many efforts.
The next big revolution would be a self assemble devices and programs, that is just easy to build or model based on your single modifications.
These programmable solids in 3D with representation and solidification out of monitor.
Ever one of you thought about unification?
Unify a display with chipset? So tiny the chip, how big and thick is the screen!
Well a 3 trillion transistors resolution display would be THAT fantastic.
Really no display today can show a tiny portion of all transistors on screen.
But what about integration to such extent, that each modification would modify and create - in software something that, when finished is ready to pull out from your monitor as a solid object.... WOW.
Would electroweting a macro scale of something nano-atomic technology in the futrure?
Did you notice that we have "paper like screen" today,when come to dinamic ink paint in Liquivista display?
I really want to have a Liquivista display that you can touch and hod the ink, even while the video is running.
It would be so great! Im looking for that!
Well could this INK work as transistor????
Enough, enough.
well see ya!
Many Ideas blossoming all the time as I read Walter Russel, in his book -The Universal One.
But for the moment
First is budget.
I live helping my parents. I have time, but I ask no money.
Yes. no big money investment in my experiments, because if you fail, your parents will face consequences.
That blame would fall in your head.
It would be really hard to live within family with this guilty.
What do I have?
I have time.
I have a good computer.
I have plenty of knowledge to build up anything in 3D, also chemistry anomaly and nanotechnology.
But I don't have:
Energy - I'm a bit FAT. most of efforts to create anything fade out before I finish my projects.
Money - Most projects needs money, plenty of money to make something safe that you can live to tell later.
What the Solution?
Work tiny! In chemistry if you work real tiny, explosion in test-tube would be no bother.
I did working HHO devices, based on that, working tiny Vulcan creating tiny diamonds, lava rock, cheap electrolysis and other great discoveries, covered silver in pure gold using known radioactivity in a few putrefying yeast, unleashing discoveries from old alchemists etc.
Yeah. Really. That great.
But most limitations leave me aside any money build-up, and even got afraid of projects because they demand many efforts.
The next big revolution would be a self assemble devices and programs, that is just easy to build or model based on your single modifications.
These programmable solids in 3D with representation and solidification out of monitor.
Ever one of you thought about unification?
Unify a display with chipset? So tiny the chip, how big and thick is the screen!
Well a 3 trillion transistors resolution display would be THAT fantastic.
Really no display today can show a tiny portion of all transistors on screen.
But what about integration to such extent, that each modification would modify and create - in software something that, when finished is ready to pull out from your monitor as a solid object.... WOW.
Would electroweting a macro scale of something nano-atomic technology in the futrure?
Did you notice that we have "paper like screen" today,when come to dinamic ink paint in Liquivista display?
I really want to have a Liquivista display that you can touch and hod the ink, even while the video is running.
It would be so great! Im looking for that!
Well could this INK work as transistor????
Enough, enough.
well see ya!
Many Ideas blossoming all the time as I read Walter Russel, in his book -The Universal One.
But for the moment
"if we distribute the chips in the weight and space a lithium cell occupies, the technology used would be at lest 10 years old."
Did you ever thought where in the world have much space for placing hundreds of data in all your Devices?
Well by weight:
Iphone Battery weight:
4.8 ounces (137 grams)
Micro SD 32GB weight:
Cmon, if we scale up the technology to fill 32GB in 137 grams, It will use at least 10 year old technology!
There is a way to keep up the storage in the same place as the battery. You know, there is a PLENTIFUL space in the lithium ion cell.we could create a recording technology in this plentifull unused space in the devices today!OK, lets keep up with this and scale it up!scaling scaling bingo!yes, we could create the entire phone into the battery.A change of material, would even made unnecessary to have such transport of energy, because the material itself would hold it inside each chip.I know is hard to think, but is very versatile.Today we don´t need to think how to do that, the computer do it for us. All we would need is to spread a low toxicity technology into the cell phone case, battery space, chip plastics, etc.listen again:
"if we distribute the chips in the weight and space a lithium cell occupies, the technology used would be at lest 10 years old."
About Data Storage Technology
I'm very happy about liquivista and Fujitsu advanced technologies on "read on the sun" displays, more yet about electroweting news that even created a electroweting bi-stable technology that saves more than my lovely kindle e-paper technology.
But I'm sad that the holographic technology was not well invested.
They say that this technology was big, but sure, they are investing in cloud technology and optcal communications to control the piracy. FB"AI" is fighting against spread of bad data, like terrorism or abuse and other kind that they want to eradicate from Internet, and also from big pressure they receive from BIG GUYS that fill theyr pockets with money to keep international Copyright under control.
This sure is why that coll technologies was not scaled up, Invested, etc..
But Big companies like Sony, would never put something so big that you can copy they entire movies from month to anyone in a single Disk. But yet philips, toshiba and others is working on labs to put some new technology, a bit ahead of sony, that have to much investiment in safety of copiright materials.
Im waiting to have a place where I can get my data almost undestructible like a card, where I can hoop up in usb or Sata adapter to make emergency repair without need to record out from my HD many tools I need for it.
That would be good, but we have to face it. They will never let huge storage this go this easy. This would disrupt many comerce today.
But I'm sad that the holographic technology was not well invested.
They say that this technology was big, but sure, they are investing in cloud technology and optcal communications to control the piracy. FB"AI" is fighting against spread of bad data, like terrorism or abuse and other kind that they want to eradicate from Internet, and also from big pressure they receive from BIG GUYS that fill theyr pockets with money to keep international Copyright under control.
This sure is why that coll technologies was not scaled up, Invested, etc..
But Big companies like Sony, would never put something so big that you can copy they entire movies from month to anyone in a single Disk. But yet philips, toshiba and others is working on labs to put some new technology, a bit ahead of sony, that have to much investiment in safety of copiright materials.
Im waiting to have a place where I can get my data almost undestructible like a card, where I can hoop up in usb or Sata adapter to make emergency repair without need to record out from my HD many tools I need for it.
That would be good, but we have to face it. They will never let huge storage this go this easy. This would disrupt many comerce today.
Friday, February 08, 2013
About Joe cell unexpectaded news
This is hard time, I got caffeine, and my house was so oxigenatedless that I got scientifically crazy last day, this unfortunatelly delayed my computer I must fix for a friend.
So im posting here the ideas I got in the moment I have waked up, right now at 1h morning, saturday february, day 9.
In my later posts that was so great to find some relationship of nitinol with structure alloy of 316l that I was unable to imagine something different would be discovered in so few time after writing that.
This is
A glimpse of coloidal 316l (nickel/chromium/molibidenum)
The fact I have created 316l alloy colloidal using without a my particular Redirection setup in a cup made of 304 or worse quality inox that is a bit martensitic, but with a very good grade 316l lowered at the center of the water surface of such cup with pure water, barely touch, creating a salience in the water by surface tention, using a old Laptop recharger at 18V 3 amp.
When the positive is directed towards such martensitic material the electrolisis is NOT the generative of 316l, so spect to have almost no hidrogen compared to 316l electrolisis.
But as water is pure without eletrolite, and the proportion is so strong different, the surface of positive 1% and negative martensitic cup 99%, that the change begins.
IS possible to see a cascade of coloidal substance coming out of the 316l electrode.
IS coming down, but seems just like when we do colloidal silver.
Most incredible is that this is visible in: Silver deposition in low voltage 2 amps electrolisis of silver.
Ans also visible in 9v battery 2 silver electrodes colloidal creation setup.
Now imagining the setup of Original Joe-Cell the surface of the cell have same proportion but being the outer Cilinders, and neutral cilinders the 316l Food grade material, would create a huge production of coloidal 316l in the water.
So great the quantity of surface of positive 316l in relation to the single negative screew at the botton of the cell that is not to wonder something not conventional would be creating.
The reverse - the 316l electrode as negative: As pointed by Joe videoteape, black surface effect.
Yes, I know in the reverse would be just like a joe-cell made out of not pure Austenic material, that the colloidal coming out of surface glue in the surface of the positive plates (generally doesnt happen like that, but in that proportion instead of oxides, a colloidal black begins to glue at magnetic surfaces of outer inner wall of the positive wall of the cell)
Well I need finish my clients computer so lets put what to do next:
I will use a huge density electrodes or a cup of 316l pure, and slowly descend a negative 316l electrode into the center of surface of the water.
Most important:
Also I need report my redirection sucessfly creation of stone made out of bicarbonate of sodium in redirected 316l electrolisis in oversaturated solution, with carefully raising just a bit the conductivity of redirected water to keep hidrogen flowing and water warm.
So im posting here the ideas I got in the moment I have waked up, right now at 1h morning, saturday february, day 9.
In my later posts that was so great to find some relationship of nitinol with structure alloy of 316l that I was unable to imagine something different would be discovered in so few time after writing that.
This is
A glimpse of coloidal 316l (nickel/chromium/molibidenum)
The fact I have created 316l alloy colloidal using without a my particular Redirection setup in a cup made of 304 or worse quality inox that is a bit martensitic, but with a very good grade 316l lowered at the center of the water surface of such cup with pure water, barely touch, creating a salience in the water by surface tention, using a old Laptop recharger at 18V 3 amp.
When the positive is directed towards such martensitic material the electrolisis is NOT the generative of 316l, so spect to have almost no hidrogen compared to 316l electrolisis.
But as water is pure without eletrolite, and the proportion is so strong different, the surface of positive 1% and negative martensitic cup 99%, that the change begins.
IS possible to see a cascade of coloidal substance coming out of the 316l electrode.
IS coming down, but seems just like when we do colloidal silver.
Most incredible is that this is visible in: Silver deposition in low voltage 2 amps electrolisis of silver.
Ans also visible in 9v battery 2 silver electrodes colloidal creation setup.
Now imagining the setup of Original Joe-Cell the surface of the cell have same proportion but being the outer Cilinders, and neutral cilinders the 316l Food grade material, would create a huge production of coloidal 316l in the water.
So great the quantity of surface of positive 316l in relation to the single negative screew at the botton of the cell that is not to wonder something not conventional would be creating.
The reverse - the 316l electrode as negative: As pointed by Joe videoteape, black surface effect.
Yes, I know in the reverse would be just like a joe-cell made out of not pure Austenic material, that the colloidal coming out of surface glue in the surface of the positive plates (generally doesnt happen like that, but in that proportion instead of oxides, a colloidal black begins to glue at magnetic surfaces of outer inner wall of the positive wall of the cell)
Well I need finish my clients computer so lets put what to do next:
About next Setups RESEARCH:
Huge positive 316L Surface:I will use a huge density electrodes or a cup of 316l pure, and slowly descend a negative 316l electrode into the center of surface of the water.
Most important:
Also I need report my redirection sucessfly creation of stone made out of bicarbonate of sodium in redirected 316l electrolisis in oversaturated solution, with carefully raising just a bit the conductivity of redirected water to keep hidrogen flowing and water warm.
Sunday, February 03, 2013
About Alchemical Secrets and New Age Science
Here´s the key.
After profound research on movement of bubles I was able to withstand some effects in common with some free energy anomalyes in my free energy simple devices.
"The plock big sound bubles of air forced down in water."
This is a very fun to understand.
The air that comes down from a colum of air (tube closed on top) accumulated in a tub fixed 30cm under the surface of the water.
When the air is filled or electroliticaly created inside the tube, the air comes from the top of the buble of gas that forms inside the tube, even after the air fills all the tube all way down the water.
The movement of water buble is so strong that it comes out soundly Loud and with a "revolving spiraly" movement instead of just "spining on his center",
This is a movement that represents a genero-ative energy as teached by professor Walter Russel.
I do understand now that the rethort have simmilar effect.
As we see the first translation from the emerald tablet
we see under that original translation is declared inacurate by his translator.
....Ascendita Tierra in cuelum iterunque decendit in terram.
Here ascend the earth in colum (sky) until descendis in earth could be better translated:
...Acends the earth in sky and at same time descends the sky in the earth.
Today scientists discovered (news) that the main weather cause is because of condensation of water, and not because of its pressure or temperatures as believed before)
Condensation is a process of generative (generoative effect) that is acomplished from separation of solids out of invisible or expanded matter in inertia.
Becomes also clear that if there was expanding particles of colloidal metal that would flow up inside the old design Retort.
Its easy to see what Im talking about:
Trow a bunch of powdered grafite in your toiled, but right after the water is sucked out , just before it finish to refil the water inside, the colloidal grafite flow upwards in the remaining water that comes slowly out from water noozles!
This way going up the colloidal magnesium/phosphorus/alluminum particles make contact with soft solvents like ammonia, nitric, alcohol, up in the top of the rethort dissolving in finer particles, and going up by the upward flow of colloidal from dissolved metal or oxide particles (they metalize in contact with putrefying urine by reduction in contact with ammonia).
This creates the known "Sulfur" and mercury is subtle liquids like amonia because is not wise to ingest today´s known mercury.
So... do you remenber ( raize the earth, (azufre, sulfur) and force down the sky(mercury condensation) in emerald tablet? ) this is exactly what a retort does, and visible effect is easy to see if you force air bubles to buble down the water just like must be sound to make a very light solvent condenses a meter downwards in a classical rethort set in middle ages.
Here´s the key.
After profound research on movement of bubles I was able to withstand some effects in common with some free energy anomalyes in my free energy simple devices.
"The plock big sound bubles of air forced down in water."
This is a very fun to understand.
The air that comes down from a colum of air (tube closed on top) accumulated in a tub fixed 30cm under the surface of the water.
When the air is filled or electroliticaly created inside the tube, the air comes from the top of the buble of gas that forms inside the tube, even after the air fills all the tube all way down the water.
The movement of water buble is so strong that it comes out soundly Loud and with a "revolving spiraly" movement instead of just "spining on his center",
This is a movement that represents a genero-ative energy as teached by professor Walter Russel.
I do understand now that the rethort have simmilar effect.
As we see the first translation from the emerald tablet
we see under that original translation is declared inacurate by his translator.
....Ascendita Tierra in cuelum iterunque decendit in terram.
Here ascend the earth in colum (sky) until descendis in earth could be better translated:
...Acends the earth in sky and at same time descends the sky in the earth.
Today scientists discovered (news) that the main weather cause is because of condensation of water, and not because of its pressure or temperatures as believed before)
Condensation is a process of generative (generoative effect) that is acomplished from separation of solids out of invisible or expanded matter in inertia.
Becomes also clear that if there was expanding particles of colloidal metal that would flow up inside the old design Retort.
Its easy to see what Im talking about:
Trow a bunch of powdered grafite in your toiled, but right after the water is sucked out , just before it finish to refil the water inside, the colloidal grafite flow upwards in the remaining water that comes slowly out from water noozles!
This way going up the colloidal magnesium/phosphorus/alluminum particles make contact with soft solvents like ammonia, nitric, alcohol, up in the top of the rethort dissolving in finer particles, and going up by the upward flow of colloidal from dissolved metal or oxide particles (they metalize in contact with putrefying urine by reduction in contact with ammonia).
This creates the known "Sulfur" and mercury is subtle liquids like amonia because is not wise to ingest today´s known mercury.
So... do you remenber ( raize the earth, (azufre, sulfur) and force down the sky(mercury condensation) in emerald tablet? ) this is exactly what a retort does, and visible effect is easy to see if you force air bubles to buble down the water just like must be sound to make a very light solvent condenses a meter downwards in a classical rethort set in middle ages.
Friday, February 01, 2013
ARDA de jnaudin.com = inspiração.
"Aquilo que expande, flutua.
"Bateria de agua em formato esferico, a agua expande e o metal incandesce em vacuo, a extremidade separa, assim nada melhor que cobre em esfera. Ou novelo?
"bonequinho vibrador."
apicado sobre o solido ele se vai, mas como aplicariamos o principio em pelos vibramtes como os da bunda da abelha?
lifter bobina norad:
/ \
aqui vemos os 2 vortices
ao invez de agua, a esfera de cobre incandesce pela geraçao vácuo (hho) a partir das bobinas incandescentes de 316l. no lugar das de aluminio.
(o vapor sobe, e depois de diversas revolucões cai e gravita onde hv o expande.)
Acho que deve ser finissimo para incandescer e não só perder peso mas subir.
deve haver dezenas dessas bobinas em cima para aumentar hv e manter hv contante?
a bobina 1 tem uma tampa de silica leve que faz o vapor ficar, entao a gota escorre pela bobona helicoidal positiva e negativa e quando subir de novo implode na esfera incandescente ou trovoosa e entao condensa e ca na leve bobina 316 novamente.
ARDA de jnaudin.com = inspiração.
"Aquilo que expande, flutua.
"Bateria de agua em formato esferico, a agua expande e o metal incandesce em vacuo, a extremidade separa, assim nada melhor que cobre em esfera. Ou novelo?
"bonequinho vibrador."
apicado sobre o solido ele se vai, mas como aplicariamos o principio em pelos vibramtes como os da bunda da abelha?
lifter bobina norad:
/ \
aqui vemos os 2 vortices
ao invez de agua, a esfera de cobre incandesce pela geraçao vácuo (hho) a partir das bobinas incandescentes de 316l. no lugar das de aluminio.
(o vapor sobe, e depois de diversas revolucões cai e gravita onde hv o expande.)
Acho que deve ser finissimo para incandescer e não só perder peso mas subir.
deve haver dezenas dessas bobinas em cima para aumentar hv e manter hv contante?
a bobina 1 tem uma tampa de silica leve que faz o vapor ficar, entao a gota escorre pela bobona helicoidal positiva e negativa e quando subir de novo implode na esfera incandescente ou trovoosa e entao condensa e ca na leve bobina 316 novamente.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Com meu conhecimento sobre hho fica a possibilidade de criar implosão.
nem mesmo isso eh necessario, bastando expandir o gas eletricamente em sua forma liquida, eh uma lenta expansao.
não há sodio, e isso e bom, melhor se fosse algum carbonato neutro.
fiz agora redirecionamento.
nem mesmo isso eh necessario, bastando expandir o gas eletricamente em sua forma liquida, eh uma lenta expansao.
não há sodio, e isso e bom, melhor se fosse algum carbonato neutro.
fiz agora redirecionamento.
Detonação a frio
Chamada de "Detonação Física a Frio" - ou CDP (Cold Detonation Physics) -, a técnica consiste em misturar gelo seco, que é essencialmente CO2 congelado, com outros ingredientes para fazer um explosivo.
Esta mistura, a -78,5 ° C, é comprimida dentro de um tubo de aço muito grosso e então detonada.
A explosão gera uma altíssima pressão, que dura apenas uma fração de segundo, mas suficiente para cristalizar o carbono do CO2 na forma de diamante.
A fina poeira de diamante produzida - os cientistas os chamam de nanodiamantes - tem aplicações que vão desde o revestimento de ferramentas, discos de corte e peças para polimento, até o transporte de drogas quimioterápicas no interior do corpo humano.
Diamantes sintéticos
Segundo os pesquisadores, a produção de diamantes a partir do CO2 pode se tornar a técnica mais barata para a fabricação de diamantes sintéticos - certamente o mais ambientalmente amigável, uma vez que ela literalmente detona o CO2.
Um subproduto interessante da pesquisa é o próprio explosivo, que poderá ser usado em mineração - o explosivo é menos ambientalmente danoso do que a dinamite.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
About "Ansi Inox 316l" "HHO Joe Cell" and "Nitinol (Nikel/Titanium alloy)"
Sometimes looking back, that 316l had some properties like that of NITINOL could be not true, but seemed to be true in many ways, must be very carefully tested before being by any means discarted out as not useful or fully mistaken knowledge.
About Rethorts. A brief explanation.
Thanks to "The Book of Aquarius".
Rethorts have a very long tube, then the distillated is forced down, precipitating into liquids.
While the liquids flow down, the tiny particles of metal that touch these nitrates/amonium liquids, create colloids that won´t ever come down while the tube is wet.
These colloids flow upwards through the stream of water drops that gravitates down.
But as these streams have lightest particles, like amonium, they dissolve betteer and better the colloidal particles, creating such cristals that have very peculiar caracteristics, like water insolubility, melting in silver hot plates, etc..
Some studies must show that a very very fine colloidal silver corrodes and separates silver and gold like mercury, because of his fine structures, and would do it very strong in cristals that have low amount of amonium nitrates in some cristal structure. That explains the "menstrum" or alchemical solvent that melts all metals.
Is known the process replicated by me and many scientists over the world, created by Joe-Champion, a sacharamicides cervejae very dense living yeast putrefation creates a fine atomic gold surface on pure silver over a week.
Is very known that fermentation activates Gauger Metter, that device that measure Radiation.
If the particles of silver is all finely separated by the process of outflow of coloidal particles, being that of magnesium silver or gold particles in nitrate cristal, would really able to convert all the properties of the metal into another one when near putrefation radiation, like heat generated from horse shit in weeks.
Also is said that balneo-mary water vapour over a week, would also transmutate metal surfaces.
I have my own videos about the colors of the metal silver surface in contact with yeast radiation.
A ionization is quite visible and half of the silver weight was lost in refination, mixed with disposable water in transmuted silver into many metals nano-particles that of size of atoms, almost impossible to refine again by conventional means.
Sometimes looking back, that 316l had some properties like that of NITINOL could be not true, but seemed to be true in many ways, must be very carefully tested before being by any means discarted out as not useful or fully mistaken knowledge.
About Rethorts. A brief explanation.
Thanks to "The Book of Aquarius".
Rethorts have a very long tube, then the distillated is forced down, precipitating into liquids.
While the liquids flow down, the tiny particles of metal that touch these nitrates/amonium liquids, create colloids that won´t ever come down while the tube is wet.
These colloids flow upwards through the stream of water drops that gravitates down.
But as these streams have lightest particles, like amonium, they dissolve betteer and better the colloidal particles, creating such cristals that have very peculiar caracteristics, like water insolubility, melting in silver hot plates, etc..
Some studies must show that a very very fine colloidal silver corrodes and separates silver and gold like mercury, because of his fine structures, and would do it very strong in cristals that have low amount of amonium nitrates in some cristal structure. That explains the "menstrum" or alchemical solvent that melts all metals.
Is known the process replicated by me and many scientists over the world, created by Joe-Champion, a sacharamicides cervejae very dense living yeast putrefation creates a fine atomic gold surface on pure silver over a week.
Is very known that fermentation activates Gauger Metter, that device that measure Radiation.
If the particles of silver is all finely separated by the process of outflow of coloidal particles, being that of magnesium silver or gold particles in nitrate cristal, would really able to convert all the properties of the metal into another one when near putrefation radiation, like heat generated from horse shit in weeks.
Also is said that balneo-mary water vapour over a week, would also transmutate metal surfaces.
I have my own videos about the colors of the metal silver surface in contact with yeast radiation.
A ionization is quite visible and half of the silver weight was lost in refination, mixed with disposable water in transmuted silver into many metals nano-particles that of size of atoms, almost impossible to refine again by conventional means.
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Grafite-316L-Water Gravitative-Expansive cell
Grafite-316L-Agua-Gravitativa-Expansiva (Pilha)
Em uma eletrólize, o nitrato de prata (como condutor do metal de sua base dissolvendo até a sua ponta crescendo abaixo) funciona maravilhosamente.
Este video é maravilhoso a respeito:
A amperagem maior ajuda a criar mais rapido cristais de prata, mas logo a produção de nitrato e a acides deste material se perde.
Para que ocorresse um processo contínuo, reativando a acides e dissolvendo com esta reativação do ácido, precisariamos ter um ponto de incandecencia plasma e/ou alta voltagem, teriamos que recorrer ao ELECTRUM, pois com sua dissolução no ponto de dissolução, e então derretimento em plasma, evaporação e condesnação com implosão plásmica de HHO, podemos fechar um pequeno universo.
Uma lampada fechada iria criar um dispositivo como o sol para derreter de volta o metal evaporado e condensa-lo em sua fonte que irá expandi-lo novamente
Electrum, não sei como é produzido, mas é uma mistura de ouro com prata, geralmente 50/50 em nível atomico.
O electrum pode não ser fácil produzir, mas certamente é fácil utilizando-se de massaricos HHO.
English version:
In one electrolisis, the silver nitrate ( like metal conducting from its base growing under) works wonderfully.
See this wonderful replicable video in this respect.
For a continuous process of acid reactivation, and dissolving this with this re-activation of acid, we would need to have a point of incandescence or plasma and/or high voltage, we would have to get ELECTRUM.
because his dissolution, and so melting in plasma, evaporation and condensation with plasma implosion of hho, we could clolse a tiny universe.
A closed light bulb would create a sun like device to melt back evaporated metal and condensate in his source that will evaporate him back
Electrum I don´t know how easy to produce, but certainly is easy using HHO flame torch.
Em uma eletrólize, o nitrato de prata (como condutor do metal de sua base dissolvendo até a sua ponta crescendo abaixo) funciona maravilhosamente.
Este video é maravilhoso a respeito:
A amperagem maior ajuda a criar mais rapido cristais de prata, mas logo a produção de nitrato e a acides deste material se perde.
Para que ocorresse um processo contínuo, reativando a acides e dissolvendo com esta reativação do ácido, precisariamos ter um ponto de incandecencia plasma e/ou alta voltagem, teriamos que recorrer ao ELECTRUM, pois com sua dissolução no ponto de dissolução, e então derretimento em plasma, evaporação e condesnação com implosão plásmica de HHO, podemos fechar um pequeno universo.
Uma lampada fechada iria criar um dispositivo como o sol para derreter de volta o metal evaporado e condensa-lo em sua fonte que irá expandi-lo novamente
Electrum, não sei como é produzido, mas é uma mistura de ouro com prata, geralmente 50/50 em nível atomico.
O electrum pode não ser fácil produzir, mas certamente é fácil utilizando-se de massaricos HHO.
English version:
In one electrolisis, the silver nitrate ( like metal conducting from its base growing under) works wonderfully.
See this wonderful replicable video in this respect.
For a continuous process of acid reactivation, and dissolving this with this re-activation of acid, we would need to have a point of incandescence or plasma and/or high voltage, we would have to get ELECTRUM.
because his dissolution, and so melting in plasma, evaporation and condensation with plasma implosion of hho, we could clolse a tiny universe.
A closed light bulb would create a sun like device to melt back evaporated metal and condensate in his source that will evaporate him back
Electrum I don´t know how easy to produce, but certainly is easy using HHO flame torch.
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