Thursday, December 05, 2019

I was thinking what relation of stones to Grebenikov floating devices? Lets think today! Listen here: Is common knowledge that "a metal crow" submerged in water displace water volume that reveals crow's weight. But something is dramatically forgot if we take massive weight in consideration. The metalic crow is also taken out of AIR that is replaced by displaced water it displaces out of the tub. Our mind is so greed that we forget that this metal was taken from the ground mines sonewhere to left underground its void that is filled with water or air. Why care? You ask? About a 10KG gold crow minimum pressure or displacement? I say that this is not a problem at all. The ignored fact is about a huge displacement effects on nature, like that of a 1000 tone's Rocket, or Monolit stones lift above ground right above underground water. This much weight like Piramids or Stonehenge displace so much air in relatively so few time and swap so much volume at once that probably affects atmosphere to the point of create a high pressure winds in atmosphere, doing the like a giant spark that iniciates a cadence of events above ground, and who knows, even on space and underwater. When huge volume takes place we ignore that we can use this effects to our benefit. But in the quicksand? Or in MUD? How much displacement we have there? Where it will free its pressure? Probably right in the place this huge stone was taken out. Followimg the Water Battery by lord kelvin...We understand that this displacement can also generate a huge electrical potencial. As the pressure rush in thousant kilometers to find its equilibrium back into atmosphere. So water could help displace fast these monolits. And not only will affect the surrounding air, but also extends into electric healm or even spacial consequenses we cannot understand yet because our mind is yet today not deep enough in academic masses mind's. Guilherme Francisco das Chagas